Identity Crisis

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Y/n: Must find the other's 


Y/n(Fusion) Pov

Dennis: Oh, hey... it's you two, so how is it going, Yuri?

Y/n: Don't talk to her, where's she 

Dennis: She's right...She's surrounded what in the 

Yuri: Why are they here, this our job, not theirs, I thought the Professor ordered only me to bring Zuzu 

Dennis: I think I may know why Zuzu has a look-like, her name is Celina and they did a switcheroo with their outfits must be a case of mistaken identity.Ya know how you look like Yuya and you look like Y/n 

Yuri: Yuya

Y/n(Fusion): Y/n 

Yuri: Who is she

Dennis: A duelist from the standard dimension 

Oura: We stumbled upon ourselves some duelists 

Dennis: Sure did care dor an autograph 

Oura: Nyet, I care for a pendulum card

Dennis: Sorry but that will have to wait we're in the middle of something 

Yuri: No we'll make time for these two, and now they will pay 

Zuzu: The tough get's dueling

Yuri: Good to know

Zuzu: Yuya, Y/n?

Yuri: Yes we heard we have a resemblance (Holds arms behind her back to appear calm)

Y/n: Don't let that fool you 

Yuri: I was trying the peaceful approach, step away from the girl or this will happen to you 

Zuzu: What will, no way Halil and Olga what did you do to them 

Y/n: Nothing they didn't deserve i trapped their souls in these cards that's what they get for interfering with my business 

Zuzu: So you're responsible for this  

Yuri: That's right  

 Zuzu: Then your a monster

 Yuri: That's a bit harsh don't you think?

Y/n: Your a monster in bed  

Zuzu: No, I can't wait to show you what is 

Yuri: Now, Now watch your temper  

Yuri: You don't want to be turned into a card, do you 

Y/n: That is to say if the Professor didn't have other plans for you 

Zuzu: The Professor, what does he want with me?

Y/n: Beats me  

Yuri: Your a dead ringer for Lulu and Rin  so that's why he wants you

Y/n: To complete the whole collection 

Zuzu: Lulu, you know her, does that mean you're the ones that took her 

Yuri: Right you are 

Zuzu: Where did you take her 

Yuri: The same place I'm going to be taking you 

Y/n: You're coming back with us to our dimension, so I can deliver you to the Professor  

Zuzu: Well you can tell him there's been a change of plans 

Yuri: We can do this the easy way or the hard way, I'm offering you the easy way, but I hope you refuse because I prefer the hard way 

Y/n(Fusion): Wow nice moves there you remind me a bit of Lulu and Rin... a lot in fact 

Yuri: Tell you what Zuzu how about we duel, and if I win you come with me and if you win you go 

Zuzu: Make a deal with you no way! I don't trust you

Yuri: Maybe you don't trust yourself...Maybe you know you don't stand a chance us in a duel and are just plain scared 

Zuzu: In your dreams 

Yuri: So then prove it 

Y/n(Fusion): Let's see your skills 

Zuzu: FIne, but you asked for it you're so going down 


Yuri: Come come out where ever you are 

(The bracelet glows)

Y/n: Son of a ...

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