Be Warned

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I saw an elder feeding hogs
On lonely road he meekly trod.
His raments worn from work and age
With cunning eyes the mark of sage.

A curious manner bore the serf
When feeding sows their meager worth.
His hand would lose a scrap on ground
That cov'tous beast then swiftly found.

Then limping forth a little ways
He levels beast with cruelest gaze.
Repeating motions previous made
To draw the beast to morsel laid.

From seat I rose approaching man
To ask the begars obscure plan.
Why feed the beast this strangest way
I bark through gritted teeth to say.

He stared me down with twinkling eyes
That cruelly spoke of ancient lies.
I spare these beast this meager bread
To lead them down to slaughter dead.

I tell this tale to tell my friends
Beware where pleasures sought may end.

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