To Cast your Eyes

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When prophet sent in days of old
Atop of Horeb's mount then stole
The will of Jezebel to fly
And Ahabs might to swift defy

Did wind and earthquake along with fire
Imperil mountain's stony spires.
Yet not in fire nor in bounds
Of wind or quake was God then found.

Instead a humble whisper showed
That day the power of God to hold
And hark but Mary's firstborn came
Who role as second Adam claimed

From whomst did Peter permission seek
To walk on torrents Christ to meet
And went before the winds and waves
To stride atall defying grave

Until from Jesus, doubting eyes
Were cast to that which faith defies.
And saw the wind and saw the waves
And saw for self untimely grave.

Beholding power along with might
That filled his heart with mortal fright

Yet not in waves and not in winds
Nor even in the sky that rends
Was God that day yet found to be
Instead a meager man was he.

So calm your heart this truth to know
That all the world as proof will show
That not in trials not in kings
And not in all the greater things

But in what's good and also just
Our Lord his favor lone entrust
And turn to things that God does deem
Though things of God might humble seem.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 25, 2023 ⏰

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