2. The Promise

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"And you are?"

Everyone says all at once, in the hospital waiting room, eager to see Gon and Killua.

"Would you all settle down, please?" The lady behind the desk sighs. "We can't let in any visitors at the moment. If you wait here, we can get the doctor to come and explain the situation."

Kikyo chokes, head on her husband's chest. He rubs small circles into her back. Mito hugs Alluka close, comforting her. The butlers wait silently. Milluki, Illumi, and Kalluto hold hands, sitting down next to eachother. Leorio holds Kurapika, who clutches to Leorio's shirt.

All they know is that Gon and Killua were involved in an accident, and Killua's in the hospital. They haven't heard anything of Gon.

"Alright..." Silva sighs. "We'll wait."

"We'll call you if we need anything else." Detective Braun tells Gon, standing up. "We're sorry for what happened."

You say that like there was a way to prevent it from happening... as if you could've done something...

"Alright." Gon states. He's waiting in the room they've assigned for Killua to stay in. Killua's currently in the middle of surgery.

"You have family and friends waiting for you." Detective Hollister tells him.

Gon nods. He doesn't want to face them now. Their concerned expressions, comforting words. He doesn't want to see it, or hear it. Not now. He can't handle it. He's already on the verge of completely breaking.

After a few hours of Gon just sitting there, numb, the door opens up. They wheel Killua in on a bed and place it. They set up all of the monitoring equipment.

"Are you staying here with him?" Dr. Miller asks.

"Yeah." Gon informs him. The only way Gon's leaving Killua's side is in a casket.

"Alright." The doc sighs. "We'll tell your family and friends they can come visit now. In intervals of three people at a time."

Gon nods. He doesn't want to face them yet, but he knows it's not fair to them if he continues to push them away at a time like this.

The doc leaves the room, and Gon holds Killua's hands to his lips, tears in his eyes. He sighs shakily, holding Killua's hand as if they'd both die if he lets go.

"Gon!" Mito rushes to his side, Silva and Kikyo behind her. "Are you okay?"

Gon shakes his head, still holding Killua's hand. Mito glances at Killua with sorrow. Kikyo walks over to Gon, placing a hand on his shoulder.

"I'm sorry." Is all Gon says.

"It's not your fault." Kikyo tells him. Silva puts a hand on his son's forehead. A sad frown on his lips.

"Excuse me?" Dr. Miller comes back in. "Mr. Freecss, a word?"

"Yes?" Gon asks.

"In private." Dr. Miller clarifies.

"I'm not leaving him."

Dr. Miller sighs, looking at the other three. "I'll come back to get you guys in a minute. I need to talk to Mr. Freecss, please."

Mito, Silva and Kikyo leave the room, closing the door behind them. Dr. Miller sits next to Gon, handing him a file. "Are you aware of Killua's memory loss?" Dr. Miller asks.


Miller sighs, tapping his foot. "There's no easy way to say this. So I'm going to be blunt with you. If and when Killua wakes up, there's a high probability that he won't remember anything up to the last fifteen years. Now, I estimate that to be just a 78% chance of that."

Gon's eyes widen. He met Killua thirteen years ago... he won't remember him.

"The other 22% chance being that his entire life will vanish from his memory." Miller continues.

"Gon?" Kurapika peeks his head into the hospital room. It's his and Leorio's turn to see them. Kurapika kneels in front of Gon, who sits in his chair with no light in his eyes. "Gon are you okay?"

"No... I'm not..." Gon sighs, thumb tracing over the ring on Killua's finger.

Kurapika hums, running his hand through Gon's hair. "You can't blame yourself for this, hun. It's not your fault."

"I know... I know..." Gon whispers. "That's... that's not it..."

Kurapika and Leorio glance at eachother. "What's wrong?"

"He won't..." Gon takes a deep breath. "He won't remember. Us. Any of it."

Kurapika and Leorio glance at eachother sadly. "Gon..." Kurapika reaches into his bag, pulling something out. He takes Gon's hands and places it inside, holding his hands there for a second. "He'll remember. He always does. Even when he forgets."

Kurapika lets go, and Gon sees the necklace matching the one Killua got for Gon's seventeenth birthday in his hand. Carefully, he opens the locket. Seeing the picture Killua picked out to put inside. Their first kiss on the beach. And the quote inside.

"Every moment I see you, I'll tell you I love you. And I'll be so embarrassing about it you'll have to remember, just so I'll finally stop. But I won't stop. Whether you remember or not I won't stop reminding you."

Gon then opens his own. Inside, a picture of the day they spent in the treehouse. When Gon first realized it wasn't just a crush, he was in love with Killua. He is in love with Killua. The quote inside.

"Every moment with you is unforgettable. And every time I look into your eyes, you fill the empty space in my head with your light. I'll never forget you. I love you."

Gon hunches over, clutching the lockets as he sobs. He promised. Killua promised that he wouldn't forget Gon. And Gon promised to make sure of it, by loving Killua even through the hardships that come. Even if Killua forgets him, Gon will remind him. He has to.

Kurapika and Leorio leave, giving Gon some alone time to collect his thoughts and composure.

Gon takes deep, shaky breaths. Calming himself. He has to stay strong. For Killua. He has to be here when Killua wakes up. He has to give Killua that same smile, that charming grin reserved only for the love of his life. Gon has to help Killua remember.

So he'll stay strong. He won't give up hope. When Killua awakes, even though he won't remember Gon, Gon will just defy the universe time and time again to remind him. Killua will remember. It'll just take time. And Gon is willing to sacrifice all the time in the world.

He promised.

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