4. You Were Mine

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"So tell me," Alluka takes a bite of her sandwich. "Is Killua still as obsessed with chocolate as ever?"

Gon chuckles. "Oh yeah. Thank god for his trust fund, otherwise we'd never be able to afford his sweet tooth."

Alluka laughs. "Oh my god, yknow how his chocolate addiction started?"


"It was all Milluki's fault." Alluka sighs. "Of course, I wasn't born yet but everyone loves to tease Killua and Milluki with this story. Killua was just learning to walk, and apparently Milluki had been feeding him chocolate behind closed doors. Illumi was trying so hard to get Killua to walk to him, but Killua kept falling. Then Milluki comes around with a bar of chocolate, and suddenly Killua's a mini Olympic runner."

Gon laughs. "That certainly sounds like Killua."

"Illumi and Milluki always had a rivalry for Killua's attention." Alluka giggles. "As a kid I saw Milluki and Illumi fighting over him so I thought Killua must be the coolest brother in the world. Therefore I joined the fight. And then Kalluto saw us all fighting over him and joined as well."

"Awww." Gon smiles. "Oh I know what you mean about Milluki and Illumi. Gosh, imagine what happened when Killua got a boyfriend thrown into the mix."

Alluka gasps. "Do tell."

"Every time Killua brought me home they would spy on us." Gon scoffs. "Especially Illumi, he was much less subtle about it. Milluki would always come up with some excuse to be in the same room, or watch us from afar. Even in Killua's bedroom we never got any real privacy from the two. And if they overheard anything even slightly suspicious they'd barge in immediately."

Alluka laughs, holding her stomach. "That so sounds like them! Oh gosh."

"I remember one time Killua and I were playing video games. It was Mario Kart. And I guess something Killua called out caused Illumi and Milluki to break down the door. Guns blazing. Literally, since they both have permits to carry." Gon sighs. "It took about three years for them to be able to trust us to be alone together."

"Wow, they're so overprotective." Alluka tsks.

"They're nothing compared to how your mother was."

"Oh I believe it." Alluka scoffs. "Did she offer you money to leave him?"

"Oh on several occasions." Gon chuckles. "She was convinced I was taking advantage of his... condition, for money. She walked in on us once, while we were still a secret. Nearly lost her head."

"Uh- walked in on you?" Alluka raises an eyebrow. "Care to elaborate?"

"Oh-" Gon blushes, realizing what Alluka may have thought. "We were just having a normal hang-out date but it was late. And raining. So we decided that I'd stay over. I think she took it the wrong way when she saw a strange boy cuddling with her son."

"Oh dear." Alluka makes a 'yikes' expression. "What happened?"

"Oh Gotoh basically saved my life, haha." Gon chuckles. "His mom had a few copies of the photo a albums, so he explained who I was. She still wasn't happy about me being in Killua's room, though she wasn't about to kick me out into that storm. So I stayed in a guest bedroom, and Killua snuck out his window and then into mine."

"She sure likes you now." Alluka comments. "How did you manage to win her over?"

"Well, I compliment her constantly. Of course, honestly, too." Gon says. "In her presence, I am the definition of a gentleman to everyone around. And I made sure to be extra courteous to Killua. One slip up and she'd hate me for life."

"Well, you're definitely her favorite son-in-law." Alluka chuckles.

"She has others??"

"Well, Illumi has two boyfriends." Alluka explains. "They're in a polyamorous relationship. Mom isn't very fond of either. Neither is dad."

"Ahh." Gon nods.

"So," Alluka sips some chocolate milk. "I get photo albums mailed to me occasionally, and I saw this one suuuuper cute photo of you and him in a pillow fort with two others. Who are they?"

"Oh, Kurapika and Leorio. You met them a couple months ago when I proposed." Gon tells her. "I met them a few months after I first met Killua."

"Killua was your first friend?" Alluka asks.

"Yeah." Gon nods, smiling. "I uh... my dad had abandoned me the morning I met him. I thought the universe was giving me some sort of gift to help make me feel better. Killua... he's definitely a gift." Gon looks down, at his now empty plate.

Alluka sees the look on his face and immediately tries to think of something to get his mind off of Killua's state. "Uhm, oh, do you-"

"I should really get back." Gon looks up. "This was fun, I'm glad we got to spend some time together. But..."

Alluka sighs. "Yeah, alright. I understand. Let's go check up on him."

They leave the cafeteria and make their way to long term care. After a small journey through the halls they finally get to Killua's room. A nurse is in there, checking up on stuff. Killua's still laying there, unconscious.

Gon sighs, both relieved that he didn't miss it when Killua wakes up and saddened that he's still unconscious.

Alluka puts a hand on Gon's shoulder. "I'll come back tomorrow for lunch again, alright?"

Gon smiles. "Okay, I'd like that."

Alluka leaves the hospital, and Gon takes his seat next to Killua's bed. Gon wonders what it will be like when Killua wakes up. Is there really nothing he can do to ensure that Killua remembers him?

If Killua forgets, how will it affect their relationship?

What will Killua be like without those memories?

Will he be a whole different person?

Will he give Gon a chance?

Will he give us a chance? As a couple? Gon wonders.

Will I be able to handle it if he doesn't?

Memories Of You || The Boy I Met That Summer Book 2Where stories live. Discover now