Chapter 13

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(N.) Beautiful thinking; a well mind

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Liz's POV

I fell asleep after I had dyed my hair and sending out an owl to Malfoy Manor. I knew it wasn't the best choice considering the Malfoy's have always been seen as horrible people. I never wanted to put myself into that setting, but I knew that if I wanted to survive, I'd have to. I decided to get up and explore my new location. Getting dressed in all black, trying to somehow blend in and not get noticed. I had picked a further distance to ensure my safety. Walking out the warm summer air hit me realizing that all black might have been a mistake. It's usually never this warm, yet I wouldn't know because I hadn't watched the telly. I found a small cafe around the corner and decided to step in for a bit of tea. I paid and sat down in the cool cafe, wondering just how mad Sirius was at me. I could come up with an elaborate plan that I had been kidnapped, but he wouldn't believe that. I knew if I had gone to live with the Malfoys they'd bring me into shady business. I mean I had only asked Draco to meet up with me soon if he could get out. I imagined the dark and damp Malfoy manor and how depressing it must be there. I kinda felt bad for him because he was rather sweet to me since he found out that we are related. My mind wandered off to Fred and how he gladly would run off with me if it wasn't for Sirius. I sipped the hot liquid, trying to calm my mind, yet it wasn't working. Summer couldn't end quickly and I knew I probably couldn't last much longer on my own. I had to find a bank and withdraw more money if I were to keep this up. Yes, I regret my decision, I just couldn't bring myself to accept that; Knowing I'd much rather be independent and off traveling the world.

"Excuse me miss." I heard from behind me.


"Are you Elizabeth? I know your parents they moved off to America didn't they?" she said smiling.

"Oh, Hello Mrs. Simons! Yeah, they left me here for school, but I've been pretty much homeless." I said to the lady who had lived across the street from me.

"Would you like to come to stay with me and my family till you go back to school? I know professor dumbledore very well. He's reached out to me and I'd love to help. One witch to another." She smiled opening her purse showing me a wand.

"Oh, I don't wanna bother you, but I'd love to."

"Oh please, it wouldn't bother me! Plus I need someone to watch over Tommy while I'm away at work. My husband can't keep taking days off and neither can I."

(HAHAHAHA Tommyinnit vibes also I know Tommy wasn't alive then but we be pretending cuz I wasn't either.)

"I'd love that! I wish Professor dumbledore would've told me."

"Well, I mentioned it to him a bit late apparently. He said something about you living under protection, but I can promise you I'll put a spell around the house. No one will track you down and you'll be safe!"

"I can't begin to thank you enough! I have to get my stuff from the hotel if you want to help me?"

"Sure! Also, my husband has no idea I'm a witch and I don't believe Tommy has any magic, or at least he hasn't shown any signs. If it slips just try and cover it."

"Works for me! Let's get going then!"

I got back to the hotel with Mrs. Simons to see a letter from Draco on the bed. I opened it, read it over, and responded back that I was alright and didn't have to meet up with him. I packed my bags completely, making sure to leave no trace. I walked out of the room smiling and followed her to the car. It would be quite a long drive back to London and I was surprised she even found me. It made me wonder if this was a setup or a trick, but she seemed genuine. I fell asleep leaning my head against the window as she drove.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 01, 2021 ⏰

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