Chapter 1

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(N.) The journey of changing one's mind, heart, self, or way of life

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I smiled realizing what day it was, September, first my favorite day of the year. I grabbed the rest of my books, shoving them into my trunk along with some of my personal belongings. I ran down the stairs and joined my parents for breakfast.

"Morning, mum and dad!"

"Did you sleep enough?" My dad asked.

"Yeah, I gotta get going soon but, I promise to send lots of letters just like last year!"

"Maybe try to befriend some kids in your year? But, always do great for us. We love you, don't forget that." My mum said, kissing my cheek, heading to do the dishes.

"Yeah yeah, I'll try Hermione is a sweet girl!" I giggled remembering all the times we'd hang out. I hardly had friends, mainly only Hermione, we had bonded on being MuggleBorn as well that we lived very close only about three miles away. I'd hang out with her and helped her study seeing as I was top of my class. I finished my breakfast and ran back upstairs, grabbing my trunk and Cat. She was a Himalayan named Layla after the goddess of beauty, it just fit honestly. I've had her since the first year, she'd always be by my side. I rushed my parents to the car even if it was 10:00 just now.

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Once we arrived, I bid my goodbyes and set off to find Hermoine. Dropping off my trunk, and cat I got on the train finding myself an empty compartment. I heard many rushing through to find an empty compartment. Many train rides I'd sit alone with random students or Hermione recently. This year was different though, two redheads known no other than Fred and George came in.

"Hello there, Elizabeth, we were-" "wondering if we could join you?" I looked up at them, surprised they even knew my name.

"Go ahead, have you seen Hermoine perchance?"

"Nope not yet-" "I'm afraid she might be stuck with Harry and Ron." I almost hated how they did that when they spoke.

"Oh, alright...Well yeah, it's alright you guys can stay." I smiled slightly, continuing to read a book and letting them talk in peace.

I knew she'd come eventually to save me from having to talk to them.

"What are you reading?" Fred asked

"Well, Fred, it's this amazing muggle book called Romeo and Juliet." I said, showing them.

"Wait, how can you tell us apart?" George said, confused.

"Well, Fred doesn't have a bump on his nose as you do, and Fred has a small scar on his left eyebrow." I said going back to the book.

"Wicked not even our mother can tell us apart sometimes-" "even teachers can't tell us apart."

"Well, I've had many classes with you over the years and see you more than half of the year."

"Well-woman you, were certainly placed in the wrong house-" "You'd belong better in Ravenclaw than Hufflepuff."

"Yes, I know I've heard that for years. I've always been observant, seeing as I hardly talk I listen and watch." I said shrugging.

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