Chapter 8

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Tacenda (n.)

Things better left unsaid; matters to be passed over in silence

The past few weeks, I hadn't been feeling the greatest, which was fine, but nothing had happened. I sat alone in the greenhouse, doing some extra credit for professor sprout. I was glad she trusted me enough to do it on my own, but most times, Neville would come help. Our owls were just around the corner and today felt strangely off-putting, to say the least. Buck beak was getting executed later on today, I couldn't bear to bring myself over and watch. I had plans later to see Fred and go on a little adventure by the whomping willow. Today was the day that I'd finally let him meet Padfoot. I was excited, yet I could already tell that Fred would be so confused as to why I had been spending my time with a dog. I quickly finished my work, making sure everything was set in place before heading to the Great Hall. I could see the strange looks people were giving me but denied the satisfaction towards them. I spotted Fred and started walking over, but before I could even move another step I was stopped.

"Professor Lupin?"

"It's urgent, come with me now."

I followed him very uncertain as to what has happened, and the immediate thing was that something was wrong with my aunt and uncle. As we walked into his office, he shut the door and looked at me. Before I could ask what's wrong he started.

"Did you read the Daily Profit this morning?"

"No? I had breakfast in the kitchen and went to do my extra credit work. Why?"

"Oh, Godric. well, you see...there's been some news about you."

"Is it bad?" I asked, looking up at him confused.

"I'd say no but others may say yes."

"Am I in trouble?"

"Yes and no, Rita Skeeter was informed of some news from an unidentified source."

"What that I'm secretly helping dark wizards and doing bad things? Come on I've done nothing but my work I'm boring for Godrick's sake!"

"You're not boring I promise, but we've found out who your father is."

"What?" I said, feeling my body become limp

"He was an old friend of mine...Sirius Black."

"No! There's no way he's my father! How does that blonde git know who my father is? Am I going to Azkaban?"

"No Liz. You aren't going to Azkaban, but they feel as though you've been helping him hide. Now, I know you only just found out who he is, yet they'll do anything for a good story."

"This can't be happening! No, he's not my father! He's a horrible man! Lupin please I need to go home. I can't stay here anymore everyone is going to turn against me!"

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