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You are woken up, but you see it's not Severus, Lockhart is behind you. You freeze up and look at him. "Why did you kiss my forehead..." you say, "because, y/n you are beautiful sleeping.... I.... I'm in love with you." He softly says. Suddenly a deep rumble speaks up "Gilderoy", you notice an angry Severus, he yanks him up by the collar, shoving his wand into his neck, " give me one reason why I shouldn't.... I BEG you." Severus face showed so much anger and hatred towards him. "Professor I, didn't know you were here..." he shockingly says. "I," He looks down in defeat. "I'm in love with y/pn (your pronouns), and I'm sure y/pn would give up a grumpy wrinkle covered depressed man for someone who is more easygoing and care free... any day..." he says with a grin, Severus showed a hint of guilt in himself but shakes it off and he pushes his wand into his neck again but harder making Lockhart yelp, "I won't hesitate...." Severus says. "No one will miss you."

You watch the 2 men fight over you in shock, does he really care? Looking at Lockhart, you see his goofy grin, his eyes hold so much life, beautiful blue eyes, his hair probably softer than Severus by a long shot, the way it bounces, the ways he lets nothing gets to him, why are you feeling like this, you never had anyone to care about you before, so you feel.... different with him... you can't get rid of Severus, he's the father of your future child, but watching Lockhart's smile....
Full of life, full of fun and waiting to crack a laugh.

No no no.... could I be catching feelings?

Severus Snape x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now