chapter 31: thigh

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beep beep beep

The alarm of my phones goes off underneath my pillow, vibrating and beeping. I reach lazily under and press the stop button on the screen.

I throw my head back on my satin pillow and groan. Today is a block day. UGH. They're so long and boring for no reason. The only time I enjoy is my freetime and lunch.

I swim my legs from off my bed and pick out my outfit for today before heading to the bathroom to do my morning routine.

I brush my teeth, washed my face and decided that today was going to be a high bun day. Leaving the restroom, I go back into my room the change.

I put on my plaid mini skirt and a ringer tee to match before grabbing my back pack, kissing my mom goodbye and walking to school.

The classes are boring like usually. Except they're longer. Amazing.

However, since the past week, that we've made up, I've been getting closer to Greyson. So, I didn't mind block days as much. I mean I still hate it, but my free period and lunch are long and fun.

After our 2 class of the day, I usually meet with Greyson somewhere in the hallway and then he takes me to the mini bleachers behind the school, where Saffron and Dylan are too.

Sometimes it's weird being around them. Since, ya know, they're in love and having sex. But Dylan is my best friend, Saffron is Grey's friend and Grey and I are each others friends.

So, I guess, this is my friend group now. And there are no, scratch that, not many, complaints.

It actually about that time to meet with Greyson in the hall. I reach for my backpack from beside me, just as the bell rang and leave the confinement of the classroom.

In the sea of the hallway, I see a tall, white boy with floppy wavy hair, walking towards me with a smile on his face.

As he gets closer, he opens his arm out towards me, asking for an embrace. I roll my eyes, but I obviously give in. I close off the distance between us with the a hug.

"Have I ever told you that you look elegant when you wear buns," He says in a british accent while bending over to hug me.

"Hm, And what do I look like without it?," I say pushing off of him to look at his face. Playfully questioning him.

"Beautiful, you little munchkin," He pinches my nose and I swat his hand away with a laugh. He's such a liar. But very good with flattery," come on, they're already at the bleachers."

I nod my head and we both walk to where the couple are seated.

"Hey guys," Saffron greets us with Dylan behind him playing with his hair.

"Heyyyy," Dylan also greets with a sweet smile. She looks so happy.

Greyson takes a seat next to Saffron and before I could take my own seat, I am grabbed by my waist and forcefully sat down on Greyson's thigh.

I look at him behind me. Giving him a confused look and of course he just gives me a smirk. Like what does that mean. Why can't I have my own seat, dude.

But it's whatever, I just carry on and listen to the convo occurring.

"So, costumes? couples costumes? individual?," Saffron proposes to all of us. Halloween was coming up this saturday.

Halloween used to be my favorite holiday when I was a child. I mean, cool costumes and free candy. Duh.

But obviously since i'm almost eighteen, I haven't really had time and the desire to participate anymore.

"I think we should have a couples costume contest. Best concept and best execution," Dylan chirps up. Greyson nods his head in agreement and so does saffron.

I guess we're doing this.

"Okay. My partner is Saffy and you and Vi will partner together" Both Grey and I look at each other. Both with completely different expressions.

He with a big smile and I with the opposite.

"Yeah, and we could go to Jade's party to be judged by the attendees," Saffron adds. They've must've been planning this for a while.

Greysons smile immediately disappeared, from a certain name being mentioned.

"Come on dude. Why? There has to be another fucking halloween party,"

"Probably, but not with as many people and plus, she hired me for... party favors," Party favors is definitely code for drugs.

Greyson rolls his eyes and his thigh starts to shake and fidget up and down. The same knee that I was place on.

That is in between my legs.

It vibrates underneath me. Hitting right at the most pleasurable spot of the woman. Oh gosh.

I use all my other senses to control my facial expression and sound.

I need to get off.

"I have to go to the restroom," I say abruptly. Probably interrupting someone's conversation.

I jump off of Grey's leg, grab my backpack and rush to the restroom stalls. Once i'm in there, I look at myself in the mirror.

A thigh. Really, Violet. It's not like it's been that long of a time since I mastur- you know what.

I turn on the sink and splash water on my face. Hopefully to remove myself from wherever my brain was going.

As soon as I decided that I was alright, I left the restroom and instantly met with someone.


She stood outside the door with her friends behind her. She stood tall. Similar to Dyl's height. Her blond hair is in a sleek ponytail which shows off her amazing bone structure.

Jade looks down at me, a smile that was once on her face, fading away. As if I was something, or someone, she disliked.

"Oh it's you," She scoffs


"Yeah, you. The rebound. The second pick," She smirks evilly. I didn't even do anything to her. I don't even think we've every had a conversation.

"We are literally just frien-,"

"Ah ah, Save it, dwarf. You should just stay away from him. He's obviously not over me and he understands that i'm the better choice. Class, racially and looks wise," She spews in disgust and hatred almost.

Class, racially and looks wise. So she classist and racist. What? How could someone so pretty be so hateful and uneducated.

I save myself as she said and slide my way away from her. She doesn't deserve to be argued with. I honestly don't care.

"Run away! And stay away from my man, whore!," She continues to yell from behind me.

I just roll my eyes.

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