chapter 26 : father

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The movie ended with it classic fairy tale ending. Of course, it's disney, everything has a happy ending.

Down at the bottom end, Violet laid down. She fell asleep during the movie not even half way in.

Her face was relaxed and soft She seemed so peaceful and nice, little do you know that when they're awake they can fight back.

My eyes roams down her body which was scrunched up in fetal position. Goose bumps littered her arms and legs and one, or rather two particular bumps, poked out from under her white shirt.

My face reddens at the sight of Violets, hard nipples.

Immediately getting uncomfortable with myself and sleeping in the same bed with Violet, I remove myself from under my duvet.

Getting up, I grab part of the duvet and pull it over her miniature body. Hoping to warm her up.

Once the soft knitted thread is over Violet's body, I head for the door that lead out of my room into the hallway.

I turn left into a guest room.

I remove my shorts and snake into the bed falling fast a sleep.


I wake up the next morning feeling a cold draft blowing through the air into my bare back. Sitting up, I rub my burning eyes caused by the bright morning sun shining through an un curtained window.

The room was empty, but the door was cracked open.

I swing my legs off the bed and my feet makes contact with the floor. It's so fucking cold. I wish we had carpet.

Using momentum from the ground, I am able to push myself off the bed.

I sleepily pull on my shorts from the ground to prepare to leave the guest room. I look outside of the open door to see an empty hallway and the door to my room cracked open a little.

I slowly creep to my room to look inside for violet. I peek through the crack, seeing that no one is in there. I remember bringing Violet back here.

I'm pretty sure I did. I think?

During my rush of thought, I hear mumbles coming from downstairs. My heels turn to follow the sound. I step down each step carefully trying not to make a sound, but I supposedly failed miserably.

A deep feminine voice announced my entrance before I even reached the bottom stair, "Good morning, Greyson. How was your sleep?" She pushed a mug, filled with an orange liquid to the edge of the counter closer for me to grab.

Once my foot connects with the first floor, I see all of the girls. Violet, Greer and Rybekkah. Violet was in some ugly, baggy sweat pants that she must've found in my closet and the same shirt she had on from last night. Her hair, which was in a bun from last time i saw it, was instead free. Her curls out and big.

I grab my mug, bringing it up to my lips as the girls eyes lingered on me as if I was intruding on something.

"Continue, if you want. I don't care," I shrug my shoulders, heading into the living to room to watch some television.

Behind me I hear the voices go at it again, this time it's audible.

"Come on, Violet. You had to have done something with him. It was the perfect opportunity," My little sister speaks in a displeased manner. Greer seems happier opposed from her outburst last night. It's actually quite rare to extract such emotion from her, with her constant carefree attitude.

Never have I seen her cry. Except for when she was little of course.

"I didn't do anything," Violet's soft voice box, sighed innocently. How do you even sigh innocently? Whatever.

"If I was a teenage girl again, whew," Rybekkah says pausing at the end. I cringe at the thought of what she would she would do.

"This is getting really uncomfortable," Violets laughs uncomfortably.

I exit myself out of their conversation, noticing that they are talking about fucking some guy. Obviously, from that conversation, Violet must be saving herself for the right one or marriage, either, I have lots of respect for. Although, I can't help but wonder who the hell they're talking about.

It has to be someone from our school for Greer and Violet to know.

Another conversation sparks up and Greer starts this one again with:

"So you're really a virgin,"

"Hey! Don't taunt her. She's saving herself," Rybekkah snaps a Greer.

"It's fine. I don't really care" Violet dismisses

"Okay so why are you still a virgin. You're extremely gorgeous and have a hot body," Greer says astonished.

"Thanks? I don't know, I'm...scared? Ugh, I sound like a four year old. It's just when people describe their first time it sounds so horrific,"

"Oh, it is horrifying. But, when you have that feeling, whether it's sooner or very later on in life, It won't be as bad if you lose it to someone you love and trust. Just wait however long, darling," Rybekkah reassures.

"OR you can just get it over with your best friends brother. It's easy especially when they're a minute man," Greer mentions as if she's done it before.


And at that note, i'm gonna vomit. I didn't expect that this was how I was going to find out about my little sister's sex life. So, i'm actually done listening.

I get up from the hard leather couch gripping the empty mug in my hand, bringing it to the kitchen. The girls go silent again once I reach the kitchen to place the cup in the sink.

"So, what were you guys talking about?," I lean of the marble counter top of the island pretending to be innocent as if i wasn't previously eavesdropping.

Rybekkah grabs a dish from the sink, taking it to the dish washer and Greer acts like she didn't hear me. I give a side glance at Violet who's eyes quickly shifted off of me.

"Cool. Hey, I can take you home if you're ready. We'll just take my sisters car," I tap my knuckles on the counter top, focusing on Violet who's head is resting on her hand.

"That'd be fine. I just have to get my clothes-,"

"Don't worry, I got it,"


"Oh, er, hello Mr. Thompson," Violet's voice echoes softly from downstairs.

"Hello. You must be Fern's daughter. You look just like her," a deep voice from the gut basically sounding like a shout, says back. It's my dad, what a pleasant surprise.

"Dad. What you doing here? Aren't you supposed to be at work?," I reach to where everyone was as my dad turns around to face me with awkwardness plastered on his face.

"Yea, I forgot some files," He looks me in my eye before leaving Violet behind. Grabbing my shoulder he pulls me to the side to talk. About what? who fucking knows,"Please do not tell me you left Jayde for...her."

"Jayde left me and Vio- wait how the hell do you even know that" I knit my brows together and clench my jaw. Why does this fucker want to control my life so bad. And WHAT IF I was dating Violet. What's the fucking problem with dating her.

She's just as gorgeous. Way smarter emotionally and intellectually. And she's fucking real. So what's the problem? I can't see.

"Your, obedient and reliable, little sister told me," The man gives a side glance at Greer at her mention; I do too. She looks at me with apologetic eyes; I do too. My dad looks like he wants to pummel me; I do too, "Get. Her. Back. Greyson."

"You fuck her then. I know you wouldn't hesitate,"

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