chapter 27 :mom!

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The room area is silent.

At first Greyson and Mr. Thompson were supposedly having a calm, private conversation in the corner. Then second by second their conversation kept crescendoing. Gaining more volume and power with each word.

I glance at the girls, asking with my eyes if this was normal. They look back at me with the same expression.

I guess this isn't normal.

The last audible thing heard came from Grey, before I am grabbed sharply by the waist.

His grip on me is tight and forceful, I'm sure he's leaving small bruises on me. I know he doesn't mean it. I know he's not trying to hurt me. He's just.. Angry i guess.

He drags me into the garage to get into a little black porsche. He lets go of me and walks over to his side, without opening mine.

I don't mind of course, It's just out of character. Everything that just happened was out of character.

Once we both get into the car. Grey in the driver seat and I in the passenger. He immediately takes off.


Grey stops the car infront of my house. He shifted the car into park and we just sit there. I don't reach for the unlocked door. I just stay. It feels like there's something in the air, just floating about, needing to be released before I leave.

Greyson's hands are still tight on the wheel, similarly to how they were on my waist. His knuckles were white from the almost death grip, before a long deep sigh escapes his lungs.

His hands loosen up. He looks calmer. The red that was on his cheeks let up just a little. His brows are raised higher.

I feel better for my friend.

I wait three more seconds before I reach for the handle to leave the car when Grey speaks up.

"Wait. I just wanted to say...that..I had a good time at the dance and you looked beautiful last night," He turns his head towards me but his eyes look anywhere besides my own. He completely ignores what happened and acts like nothing happened. So I do the same.

"Well, thank you for making my first school dance experience VERY memorable," I laugh.

"What are you gonna tell your mom?"

"Dylan got drunk and I had to sleep over," I sigh. He slightly shakes his head," Anyways, thank you for saving my ass and giving me a ride."

I grin at him and he does too. This is our 'goodbye' 'see you later' smile. I get out of the car, walk to my doorstep, and enter the house.

Warmth engulfs me, hugging and squeezing. I rush to my room, removing Greys clothes from my body before going to the bathroom to take a nice shower. I turn the water to lukewarm and jump in without thinking.

The water trickles down my naked body. The feelings and thoughts of yesterday and today run through my mind.

I get out of the shower, wrapping a large towel over myself to walk out freely into the hallway. Heading to the kitchen to, get some water. I hold the towel around me until the hallways ends. And that's when I see it.

A naked man.

A naked, hairy chested man.

A naked, hairy chested man, standing in my kitchen.

He hasn't seemed to notice that I was standing there, staring frightenedly, as he searched through the fridge.

I couldn't move. I mean, he would see me if I moved right. What the hell do I do? My phone is in my room.

The man stands up fully and closes the refrigerator door. That's when he's sees me.

I have a full view of the person. literally. The face, and the junk.


The naked, hairy chested man standing in my kitchen was Mr. Daniels.

We both scream in fear. He hurriedly covers up himself and I hold on tighter to my towel and cover my eyes.

"W-What are you doing here?," He says scared.

"What am I doing here? This is my house. I will call the police on you,"

"Baby, what's going on," My mom walks in with her robe open, showing EVERYTHING.

Oh My God.

She immediately sees me and closes the robe," Holy shit. um. Violet. I am so sorry," She says embarrassed.

My mom and Mr. Daniels both look at each other with wide eyes before he rushes into her bedroom. Probably to get dressed and hide.

"What is going on?,"

"Vi, erm, I'm gonna be transparent now okay. Um, Me and Jonathan are dating. And I wasn't expecting you to come back home so early."

"Mom. My TEACHER?!? Out of all people?"

"I know, but he's a great guy. Intelligent, Handsome, Can cook and laid it down," She gushes over him.

"Oh come on mom ew. I do not want to hear that,"

"oh- okay okay. You know what. We will be going out soon. You'll have the house to yourself. Without our shenanigans. Okay?," She grabs onto my shoulders lovingly with a smile.

"Yeah sure"

She disappears into her room and so do I.

I'm still in shock. My thoughts can't even process anything. It happened all so fast.

I unwrap the slightly damp towel off of my body, slipping on some comfortable clothes. While I was dressing, I reach for my phone that was sitting on the small table next to my bed to call Dylan's number.

I need to talk to someone. This is all too much to keep to myself. But to my luck, she doesn't answer, like normally. Most likely wasting her time with Saffron.

Sighing, I slowly bring my finger up to the lock button on my phone, just before a name popped up on my screen. The name had three trademark symbols next to it.

I press the green button, bringing the phone up to my ear as a voice speaks.

"Hey," the warm voice says to me.

"uh hi. how is your number saved to my phone?," I say lowly with confusion dripping from my tongue.

"I put it in your phone while you were asleep," Greyson continues with a soft laugh.

"ok..why are you calling?,"

"I-uh dunno. Just wanted to know if you're alive. You get in trouble?," He laughs cheerfully, completely differing from the even in his house.

"No, no i-i'm fine," After my statement a long, very uncomfortable silence lingers between us. The type of silence that only occurs when we both already have something on our minds but don't know how to bring it up, "I'm sorry, but I need to be know what I mean,"

I know I just said I needed to talk to someone. But Him? I don't know if I can disclose my mothers sex life with a teacher to a casual friend b

"Oh. are you ok?," His voice goes up a pitch higher with an interested tone.

"No, that's why I have to go," I pull the phone off my ear just before I hear grey yell into they phone.

"You can talk to me, Violet," he shouted into the phone. I sighed quickly thinking about the consequences of talking to him. So far I can't think of any besides an invasion of privacy. However, It wouldn't beat anything he's already told me, i guess," Please. Isn't that what casual friends are for?"

I bring the phone back to my ear telling him.

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