hope fellen

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POV charlie
The shadow lead me back to the underground training facility, the trees were dense, soon we reach the small cave that lead to the door, he punched the code in, next was the handprint, and another dozen things he had shown me so that I can get in, the place was still the same no different, the Shadow quickly checked me over, "I'm fine, Shadow Weaver has been shocking me since I was old enough to walk, never as good as Adora but always better then Catra," I said, the Shadow nodded, "run the course until you beat your best, there something I need to do," he said leaving, I walked away, before I started I need to pay some sort of respect to the fallen to entrapta.

A cross, the world on the edge of the fright zone a single figure started to make her way towards where Hordak was, the women no more than 30 years of age, she wore what seemed like a black version of the Assassin's uniform that seemed to lack any identifying features, every guard that a temped to stand in her way was thrown away or simply stabbed, she had a mission, Shadow weaver was now yelling at Catra for letting Adora getaway, now marching towards hordak with plans to blame everything going wrong on Catra, "After this Hordak will have punished," Shadow Weaver bosted, as the door open and two guards fell dead, "who would dare?" Shadow weaver said, "that would be me," the assassin said, her hood was down reviling her short brown hair, "you fool I've killed grater assassin," she launched a lighting attack but in one fluid motion created a magic deflection shield, and shot lighting into a wall, "Now, now is that any way to treat a guess," the assassin laughed, she took a few steps forward. Coming full into the light, "I heard you have an assassin problem, I think I can help you with," she smiled the evilest smile Catra had ever seen, so much that she takes a few steps back unaware of her own actions, "so much so that I can tell you where this 'shadow' calls home"

The shadow was halfway back now, his trip to bright-moon was as successful as ever, he knows that Bow and Gilmmer know both versions of him, the second personality he used there, the standard assassin's uniform stands out there so it needs, he never felt attached to the people there, but now things are changing. He didn't know if he should tell them but not now things are too delict, SNAP, the shadow stopped he was not alone here, the whisperings woods is an easy place to sneak up on people or in this case the reverse, "Show you selves now," he yelled 'it was a good bet that there was more then one,' he thought, Kassandra step from the trees, her little ward close behind, "if you're here for the spear, then I'm going to have to disappoint you it beyond your reach," he said, Kassandra laughed, "do you really think that little of me? You hurt my feelings," she joked, the shadow growled, "you believe your self a joker, but in truth you are nothing more than an irritation," he spits, placing his hand on his sword, her fake assassin done the same, "now, now, we don't want to fight," Kassandra said, the shadow pulled his sword, "what do you want?" He asked, "a proposal, you assassin's need.." She stopped as a small dart hit both Kassandra and her assassin's neck and the two feel unconscious, now alert the third dart was knocked out of the air, by the shadow, two more came out, blocking with his sword, "who is attacking, show your self," he ordered, while blocking another a single dart hit into his back as he fell, he spotted three people stepping out from the trees.

"He is more skilled than we first believe, we should inform the mentor," one of the three said. The second walked over, "what shall we do with the eagle bearer?" She asked, the third who was older than the other two, "leave her she does not know of us, our mission is to learn where this one has hidden the piece of Eden," he said, "as you order," she answered, "the training ground is this way, bring him," the old one said.

POV Charlie
I had finished my moaning of Entrapta, and begun my training I had gone through the course at least 4 times, the loss was clearly affecting me, this was the worst I had ever done, when I heard the training ground door open. Presuming that the Shadow was back, I stopped and went to see him, I was wrong badly wrong, stood in front of me, was three assassin's all in green uniforms, I went to my sword but was too slow, the oldest looking one fired a dart into my neck and feel to the floor my vision growing dark.

POV 3rd person

"So you're saying there left a princess, behind? That's convenient is it not?" Elizabeth asked, that was her name, Catra learned, of course, she was stuck with this assassin, "yep, Scorpia should be watching her," Catra said, 'Scorpia, now which one is that?" Elizabeth tried to remember who Scorpia was she had info of each important horde member, who was who, it was confusing sometimes, as the door open scorpia was chasing a robot and their prisoner was out of her cuff playing with a terminal, "Well you have this in hand don't you?" Elizabeth joked, Catra growled as she looked at the chaos in the room, "oh I see such great things for this group," she joked.

Elizabeth stood there as Catra tried to 'interrogates' Entrapter, in all she couldn't stop laughing. Catra was terrible at her job unable to stop herself Elizabeth laughed, a thing that helped was Entrapta didn't understand the prisoner thing, then Catra did something Elizabeth didn't see coming, she using emotional mutilation, Elizabeth watched with interest, 'I think I'm going to like it here,' once all was done, "so what is it you bring to the table?" Catra asked. "I know how to beat the shadow," she said. "Oh, and how's that?" Catra asked. "The training base, which he uses, is one of the oldest places on the planet, going back to the assassins pre-written history, the place has very deadly defences, only assassins or people with assassin can get in, the shadow found a way to block me out," Elizabeth said, "and this helps how?" Catra Aksed annoyed, "because the Defences are based off the planets natural energy if we can find a way to alter the energy of the planet or at least the energy around the base, we'll have access, not only to the Shadow and Charlie but all remaining knowledge of my people," Elizabeth said, "what kind of Knowledge?" Catra asked, "My grandfather once told me that the assassin's had plans invade any one of the kingdoms, this includes a plan to capture the mighty She-ra if she ever returned," at this Catra seemed eyes seemed to gleam, "so how do we disrupted the energy field how?" Catra asked. "That would be possible if I can have a first one of the Runestone," Entrapta said, "and if I could get you one?" Catra asked. "we'll also need first one tec," Entrapta said, "First one tec?" Catra asked, Entrapta quickly explained it too, showing her a location on her trackerpad. 

it was some hours before Catra returned, Scorpia and Entrapta were talking, well really it was more like, Scorpia telling her every little thing she and Catra had done together, While Entrapta worked on her robot 'Emily', Elizabeth wondered for a moment if this was the right choice, Should she have gone to the Shadow instead. No! all this, her broken Family it was his doing, No the Horde was the key to bring down the new order of templars, the Shadow and this assassin prince. Like she believed he was a member of the extinct assassin leadership, she had seen the remains of the house, no there were all dead. Scorpia had repeated herself going on about a boat trip, which must of been uncombable for Catra considering she doesn't like water, That was among other things she learned about the Horde members. the slide open like most do in the fright zone. Catra looking slightly worse for wear walked in, "What happened to you? you're filthy. are you okay? do you need first aid? Do your need to be nursed tenderly back to health?" Scorpia asked getting close to Catra, Elizabeth found the concern touching, "Scorpia, remember that little talk we had about personal space?" Catra asked, she sound tired, Scorpia backed up saying something that Elizabeth didn't really care about that much. as Catra turned she found Entrapta right behind her, faces nearly touching, "How'd it go? did you find?" she asked a star in her eyes "Uh, why is the princess lose?" Catra asked, Elizabeth held in a laugh as she watch the three, Entrapta rushed over to her wall restains and pretend to be in them, "This is all fun I'm sure but did you find anything?" Elizabeth asked, Catra pulled out a crystal and chucked to Entrapta, "An intact data crystal?" she fell from the restraints "I never seen one so perfectly preserved," she started to walked, "this could be a game-changer. who knows what secrets it could contain?" she said, she looked happy the starts back in her eyes, she rushed forward laughing, "she did a dance with Scorpia while Catra walked away. Elizabeth heard something in her voice, regret. 'What has she done?' Elizabeth pondered to her self. "I'm going to get look around," Elizabeth said, she followed Catra to where she sleeps, "I know your following me," Catra said, Elizabeth smiled, pulling her hood off, "I've been thinking, It's only fair I help you," Elizabeth said, "What do you mean?" Catra asked, "well She-ra has the Shadow and that pretender, you have me, I'm more than a match for both of them," Elizabeth said, "is that the only reason you're here? because of Charlie?" Catra asked, "No, there are things at play here, that either side of this war knows about, things that would make even the Horde scared, That's why I'm here, I believe that the Horde, that you are this worlds best hope," Elizabeth said, she was careful how she spoke using certain words, as to evoke a reaction, Catra didn't say anything, "I don't want to see you her Catra, I like you, that's a very rare thing for me to say, I want to help, What do you say to that?" Elizabeth put a hand out of Catra to shake. and she took it, "the rebellion won't stand a chance,"

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 20, 2021 ⏰

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