assassin's kingdom

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POV Charlie 

I was underwater shortly. When I finally surface I find myself rushing down the river. I managed to roll and on to the side of the river, I stand up and look back to see Adora faint figure on top or bright moon. "Sorry, Adora, " I whispered to myself. I feel the water dripping off. I move quickly into the woods. 'I need to change' I think to myself as I rest on a vantage point in a tree. I look across the landscape. I heard what I think was some kind of bird flying above me. I looked at it and when I saw it one a word come into my mind 'eagle' I continued to look. I noticed a small abandoned village probably from a horde attack. At the bottom of the tree was a large bush that should break my fall. I hit the ground and rolled out of the bush. It was a bit of a walk. After about 10 minutes, I reached the village there was destroyed bot and some discarded weapons. I fount an old sword impaled in the grass. I pulled it out its light and had a blue handle. It was made of some kind of green metal. I'm not sure how long the blade has been in the ground but it was in a nice condition. I gave it a few swings it felt right. I entered a half-collapsed hut and quickly changed from this old horde outfit into there's robes. There fitted nicely there were primarily cloth blue and white opposed to the red and white I would see in my dreams with bits of leather and on the back was a small scabbard. A Hood rests on the back which I can use to hide my identity in some cases. I pick the sword back up and slot it into the scabbard it just about fits. I unfolded the map. If I was right and north of Bright Moon I should head west from here. I walk for hours avoiding horde and rebellion bases until I reach a decaying wall of Stone. Old and tattered horde flags hanged loose. An old gate was barely still attached and Swan opened at a slight push. I look around the destroyed courtyard. There was no sign of life here. Even the ground had been scorched. I made my way through to the wreckage of an old Castle. The first room was the throne room all the windows were shattered the once red carpet had been torn to shreds, scorch marks line the walls like some kind of firing squad went off in here. Finally, in the middle of the room, the support beams had collapsed. I looked towards the throne it's self was somehow intact. It was stone and large and looked uncomfortable. I would hate to sit in it. "So what now," I asked myself looking around. There was a light stream coming from a small crack from behind the throne. I looked down it looked like a second room behind it. I look over the throne and found a metal circle with a small slit it was about the right size of my hidden blade. I flick my wrists. The blade popped out and I inserted it. The throne moved and shifted. Opening to a stone hallway.


As he walks the halls he leans on a wall of a moment, to catch his breath, as he starts up again. The part of the wall he learned on lit up after he was gone. 'Flare launched' it read. Outside the tower on top of the castle opened and a yellow flare lunched out. It hung in the air for a few moments before exploding into three letters, 'SOS', back at bright moon. The Queen watched. "Mom, what is it?" Glimmer asked. "That a distress signal from the old assassin kingdom, if so you need to go, if someone is calling for help
You should go" she said. Gilmmer nodes running out of the room.

As Charlie walked through the hollow Hall with a pair of metal doors. "Please enter code" a robotic female voice called out. He looked around a small panel with numbers. "Umm, " he stood there and thought and remember a time back in the fright zone.

POV Charlie

It was a few years ago. I was relaxing. It was in between training sessions. I was in my bunk thinking about how the last season went.
"Charlieeeeeeeeee" I hear the familiar voice of Catra called out. I turn to look at her. This was a few years back when we both still wore the standard training gear. "Yes, Catra?" I asked. "I made a big mistake," she said.
"What kind?"
"The kind that could get me in serious trouble, I broke something I shouldn't of" she looked at the floor. "Where?" I ask. She looks back at me. "Not far, " she says. I take a minute to think about it. "Go tell Adora I'll deal with it" She nodes and runs off. At the sites on the localised control room. It's the place were all surveillance in the local area. I watched the guard leave the small room. 'This is my chance' I think to myself I dart to the door. It was locked with a pin pad. I close my eyes and then open them again everything was blue. The numbers 2,0,4,5. I try them in that order but nothing happened. Then 0245. The door flew open. I smile as I entered the room. There was the surveillance equipment. I rushed over and start to search for Catra. There. She was jumping around and managed to break the camera. I press buttons whipping the footage it took a few seconds. I need to make sure that no one can recover this. A few more button and it's gone for good. I breathe a sigh of relief. "charlie, what are you doing?" a chill runs down my back. the voice belongs to shadow Weaver. before I could react a red glow covers my body. it pulled me back. the gem on her head also glowing red. "well?" she asked. I felt a small shock. "I was messing around. I broke a camera and didn't want you to learn about" maybe if I was convincing enough Catra wouldn't get in trouble she was already on the strings with her as it is. "charlie I'm very disappointed in you. you should behave more like Adora," she closed her fist. A large shock racked my body. I scream out in pain. she kept up with for a few minutes before she let me go.

she-ra and the assassin (she-ra/assassin's creed)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن