recuse from the fright zone

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The shadow was being held by two guards, while shadow Weaver stands above him holding his hidden blade, "I thought your people were whipped out, so how come you are alive?" She asked the Shadow laughed, "you may have lived in the shadows but I was born in them, " he said. "The last assassin I played host to was an old decrepit fool, he had nothing I wished to learn, " she said looking at the black garnnet, she turned to him, her mask not showing her emotions, "but you young and in your prime, the secrets of your creed will be mine, " she clenching her first, he looked over at Gilmmer who was unconscious, being held up by red lasers, shadow weaver held the hidden blade to a box, the box was old made of a clean steel it had a symbol of the assassin's on the front with no keyhole visible, the hidden blade lit up and the line that seprated the top and buttom of the chest making it open, shadow weaver pulled out a old pice of paper, "when I was still in mystacor, I was always intriged by the weapons your kingdom wilde being able to asboure even the strongest magic and with this" she held the paper up, "the horde can use it to whip out the rebellion" her voice thoundering in the small room, "take him to the holding cells for integration later, " she ordered, the guards picked him up with by his arms and carried him out, there reached a set of doors, one guard let's go, "I've got this," he moves to the door controls, the shadow smiled, he kicked the other guard around the leg dropping him to the floor, the second guard turned back but the shadow rushed forward tackling him. the guard went for his stun baton just to find it gone and in the shadow's hand, once stunned the guards were out for the count, the shadow quickly removed his restraints. "I must stop her, if the horde gets the formula for the metal the rebellion will be destroyed," he opened the door and straightened his hood, and rushed out.

POV charlie
I walked through the door to my room in bright-moon. By now Adora would have a plan probably going to try and sink in, I'll do this my self, I gear up, I put on both hidden blades grab the crossbow, the shadow had taken the flintlock pistols to clean and upgrade them so there weren't coming along for this one, I put the grapple hook on, I quickly wrote a note, "gone hunting," I head to the window pull my hood over my face and jump.

a short time later

A rush from cover to cover using the shadows as a shield, I was dodging guards, too many here for me to go through, if I cut through the training filed I may be able to avoid the rest of the troops, once in I travelled over the training course as a group goes through, I didn't stop if I did then I would be at risk of being caught and that doesn't even include all memory it would hurt too much, the main door was still open, I could see the course manager checking his pad, while he was distracted I sunk up on and pulled him to the ground and hit him in the head knocking him out, I dragged his body around the corner and out of sight, I reached the door to the building when I heard someone behind me, I spun quickly and pop my hidden blade blocking the stun baton and stabbed the women in the leg coursing them to fall onto the floor in agony one more kick in the stomach to make sure she wasn't going to get up, suddenly something hit me from behind, i fell to the floor and tried to catch my self, but failed I rolled onto my back and was then face to face with lonnie she had punched me, I jumped up to my feet but she already had the stun baton ready and shocked me,


Adora, Mermista and Perfuma, are moving through one of the many hallways, "this should lead us to the prison complex," Adora says opening the door, on the other side of the two guards stand there, before quickly get ready of a fight but Adora sees something land behind them, and both guards fell to the floor, Adora looked him in the face or at least as much of it as she could see, "wait we're here to recuse you how are you already out?" She asked the shadow looked at her, "a good assassin is never taking prisoners, without an escape plan, " he pulled up a commotion device, "I think you have a bigger problem, where Charlie?" He asked. Adora look at him and an eyebrow raised, "well he left a note saying," the shadow interrupted her, "wrong he came here to rescue me and the others and got caught," he showed her the report, her eyes go wide, "we need to move and now" Adora said taking the lead, "wait there more," but Adora didn't listen, she opened the door to next room, she stopped looking into the room, six dead horde soldiers lay dead, their body cut up, Adora covered her mouth from the shock, the shadow quickly tackled her as an axe landed right were she just was, a man in Heavy silver metal armour, "assassin!" The man yelled. He swung his axe at the shadow, he dodges back, Adora throws a punch at him it done nothing but hurting her hand, the man ignored the Punch as he went to attack he missed the shadow his axe getting stuck in the floor the shadow looked at the axe and in the middle between the blades was across, "you're a Templar!" He yelled the man kicked him in the stomach, he recoiled, "and you one of the last assassins it would be an honour. No, a privilege to kill you, " he swung his axe but Adora caught it, using on her strength to stop it, "now!" She yelled, a wave of water hit into the Templar, he loses his axe and smashed to the floor, then plants wrapped around his arms and legs, he tried to struggle out of it but with no-luck, Adora offered a hand to the shadow, while helping him up she caught a look at his face, it looked familiar, but she only got a glance at it, "thank you, I don't think I could have beaten him without my weapons, " he said, Adora smiled, "it was easy, " she said, Mermista looked at her, "you had the easiest part of the job, " she complained, the shadow ignored the two and walk over to the Templar, he leaned down and stared at him, "how are you here?" He asked.
The Templar tried to pull free, one of his arms coming free, he had a small knife in it, "you will never know, " he said stabbing himself into his neck, there was nothing which the group could do before the Templar bleed out, the shadow looked over the man and checked for anything finding a piece of paper, now with blood on it, "what is that? And who was he?" Adora asked, "he was a Knight Templar, the greatest enemy, the assassins have had. I'll explain later, first we must save the others, " he said. Quick enough the other set off. But the shadow looked back one last time at the dead man,

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