the truth of the past

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I'm here again in the void of whiteness, in front of me Altair stands, "you must wake up, she is coming you are the only one who can stop her, " his voice was echoey emotionless and distorted in ways, "who is coming?" I asked, "she seeks the prize of Eden"
"Who seeks this prize and what is it?" I asked.
"The eagle bearer" with that, the world changed. At first, everything was darkness then my vision returned. I was tide up rope holding my hands in place, I've lost all my weapons except for the hidden blades there still on my wrists. I'm in the back of a transport container two guards on both sides, I can't see Catra, the vehicle suddenly comes to a halt.


"What's the hold-up?" Carta asked, "it looks like a tree has collapsed, " Scorpia says. "Well move it then" Catra yelled. Scorpia with two of the troops went over to the collapsed tree, she looked "hang on this tree was cut down" she yelled. "What!" Catra screamed. Then a dart landed in Scorpias neck and she fell to the floor, then two more in the troops that were with her. "Where did those come from?" Catra called. A hooded figure jumped down. "You're going to let the man in your vehicle go," he said sternly. "And why would I do that? We have you surrounded and outnumbered. You are alone." Catra says. "You are right. But I don't think I'm your biggest problem she is" before Catra could say anything "CATRA!" Adora yelled in her she-ra form. "Hay Adora," Catra said turning to face her. Adora wasn't alone she had Bow and Glimmer with her. Adora charges sight into fight Catra as bow and Glimmer start to take out the trooper. The hooded man smiled to himself as the troopers all turn their attention to Adora and her friends. The hooded man jumped forward and tackled a trooper. He spun to face a second one a purple energy ball hit them down, he looked back and was face to face with Glimmer and Bow. "And who are you?" Glimmer asked. "I am a shadow, " he pulled out a knife. "One who will do as he must to save this world" he pulled out a knife and through it. Gilmmer teleport to avoid it. But when she reappeared she saw that the knife stabbed into one of the hoard troopers. "What?" She whispered. An arrow flew past her hitting one of the hoards troops. "Bow did you see were he went?" She asked. "I'm not sure" he answered firing another arrow.

As catra and Adora fight under a tree. "Oh Adora, our you even trying?" Catra mocked. Before Adora can respond a thin rope tied around Catra's legs. "What the.." She was pulled up being hung from the tree. The hooded man jumped down looking towards Adora. She was confused by the man in front of her. He had just defeated Catra without being seen. He also carries more weapons than anyone else she's ever seen. "Tell me, Adora, " he said moving to face her head-on. His face covered by his hood. "I came here to find another of my kin, why are you here?" He asked her. Adora still in her she-ra form tightened her stance. "Who are you? How do you know who I am" she asked "who in the land doesn't know of the great she-ra, but that is not why I'm here," the hooded man says. "Then why?" She demanded. "I'm not going to hurt anyone, you and I have something or should I say someone in common, Charlie," he said. Adora looked the man over. "What do you want with him?" Adora questioned.  "He was the one who sent up the flare from the kingdom as well is now their prisoner" he explained. "How do you know this?"

The man sighed. "I tracked them from the kingdom, your friend is currently being held in there do you want to help save him?" The man said. "What do you need?" Adora asked. "There sealed the door, I can't break it but you can, " he explained. "Just one thing first," Adora said. "You do like your questions, ask away," the man said. "Why is charlie important to you?" She asked. "For a very long time now I thought I was the last of my kind but he gives me hope that we can survive" he explained. Adora looked at him. She could not see his face but she knows the look in his eyes. She nodded and the two move. The assassin dodged several attackers disarming several of them.

P.O.V charlie

Explosions, lots of explosions, I smiled this is my chance, I flick my right wrist, the blade cut through the rope with ease, the guards turn to my I do the same with my left, one of the guards swing their baton at me. I ducked and grabbed his arm stabbing it. He recoiled in pain. The second guard hit me around the back of the head, I reacted quickly turning and hitting in the chest and knocking him to the floor he leaned over him and readied his hidden blade. As he pushed down someone grabbed his arm, he looked to the source, it was Adora in her she-ra form, "let go of me" I yelled I pulled up my free hand so that its blade was in her. I could see the hurt in her face, I retracted the hidden blades, Adora's hand letting go of my arm, I cupped my face, "what..what is happening to me?" I asked. I fell to my knees, tears burn down my cheeks, I just kept repeating "what am I?"

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