Chapter I- Forget what you want to forget

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Author's Note: Konnichiwa minna-san! I just made some changes here and in Chapter II to make the story easier to understand. I hope you'll love it! <3 


Once upon a time, there was a girl who lived in a house surrounded by grasses and trees. Her name is Futaba and she grew up with her parents' care happily. Even though there are some moments that her parents are not around for her, it isn't a hindrance for her to continue her life. Then... One time, there was a great incident that happened to her life, her father died. The rain had started to fall and she went under a tree.

-Futaba POV-

Futaba: Futaba, don't cry... Don't... cry! *Cries

(While her arm raises as the raindrops are falling onto her hands.)

Futaba: 1... 2... 3...

Suddenly I heard someone... 

???: Hey, what are you counting there?

Futaba: Oh, ugh... nothing.


???: It came down pretty suddenly, huh?

Futaba: Yeah.

???:  Here, take my t-shirt for you might catch a cold.

Futaba: T-Thanks... you don't need to.

???: It's all right. I don't want to see you catching cold.

Futaba: *Smiles

Kou: By the way, I'm Kou.

Futaba: Nice to meet you, my name is Futaba.

Kou: Your name is too long. Can I just call you Fu?

Futaba: Fu? Ummm, it's kinda weird...

Kou: Ahahahaha, just deal with it.

I-I can't handle it anymore... My tears started to fall down like a raindrop.

Kou: Eh? Did I make you cry?!

Futaba: Sorry, I just can't really handle it anymore... Why did my father leave me? It's hard to be left all alone...

Kou: ... All people go through such a situation. But, don't think that you don't have a reason to live anymore. Never look at your life as something insignificant.

Futaba: ...

Kou: Don't worry, I'm here for you. I won't leave you alone.

Futaba: T-Thanks...

Kou: Grin

We became friends even in just a little time. After that short conversation, we already said goodbyes to each other. I'm glad... really glad that I've met him.

The next day, I went to his house to check on him and to have someone to talk to...

Maid: I'm sorry but he just left earlier.

Futaba: H-Huh?!

I ran as fast as I could just to check him if he's still there, the place where we first met, under the tree.

 Futaba: No... No way!!! I-I know he's still there. I'm sure!

But my expectations were wrong... He's not there anymore... Just like Father, he left me without saying farewell. 


Years had gone by and I was still able to manage it on my own. I studied very hard to achieve my dreams and goals. That thing is the most important to me and I'll forget all the things that happened in the past...

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