Chapter VII - Don't Lose Hope

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For the past four months, I've been searching for a solution to let Kou live longer. I searched different books referring to this kind of disease and I even surfed the internet. I looked everywhere I can, but it seems like this disease has an unknown cure. But there's one thing left I haven't done yet that may become a possible solution to make Kou's life longer.

Futaba: Onii-san. I have a favor to ask of you.
Aya: Sure, anything for my beloved imouto-san~
Futaba: I'd like you to take me and Kou to America as soon as possible. I believe that that country has an advance system of curing people. I read that they've already discovered a lot of ways to cure difficult diseases. There might just be a chance there that can help Kou.
Aya: Ah, alright. Actually, I have a friend there who is a professional doctor, I'll take you to him.
Futaba: Thank you, onii-san. I'm very grateful to you.
Aya: No problem. This is the first time you asked me for a favor. Usually, you would carry all your problems by yourself. I'm glad I'd be able to be of help to you now.
Futaba: T-That's not true. I am a dependent person. I always ask help from others.
Aya: You didn't notice, don't you? When father died that day, you started doing your homework by yourself and you studied harder. You tried to be strong for us...But you know, it's not wrong to depend on others. All of us depend on each other in times of trouble, that's what friends and family are for. So don't hesitate to ask help from us.
Futaba: You are right. 

I just noticed, I was always saved by Kou but I didn't ask him to help me.. He always comes even though I don't tell it. Kou really is a kind person. That's why I love him.

In the Airport

Aya: Hey, Fu-chan~ Over here!
Futaba: There he is! Let's get going Mabuchi-sensei!
Mabuchi-sensei: Yeah, Futaba-chan.
Futaba: Kou, are you okay? Are you uncomfortable?
Kou: *sits on a wheelchair* No, I'm fine. In fact, I'm thankful for having you here by my side.
Futaba: Don't worry, I won't leave you. I'm always here.
Kou: *chuckles* That's.. supposed to be... my line. *sleeps*
Futaba: Let me be the one to say it now. :)

*airplane landing now in America*

Flight stewardess: We have now arrived in America. Please remove the seat belts and you may now proceed to the exit.
Aya: Finally, I'm back in America!
Mabuchi-sensei: Futaba-chan, I'm just wondering... What is the work of your brother here?
Futaba: Ah, he's a chef. He actually owns a restaurant here.
Mabuchi-sensei: Oh my! You're brother is so rich~
Aya: Not really. My restaurant is not well-known yet. I just started it recently.
Mabuchi-sensei: Hmm, but you'll still eventually get rich though.
Aya: Haha, well I hope so. Would you like to visit it some time?
Mabuchi-sensei: Really~?!
Aya: Yes, it will be my pleasure to serve you. *slightly bows*
Futaba: Onii-san! >///< we're in public. Stop doing that.
Aya: Hai! Hai! Shall we go now to where my friend is?
Futaba: That's where we should be at right now. -_-
Aya: Haha gomen gomen. It's a little far though.

1 hour later...

Aya: We have arrived now to one of the most famous hospital here in America, Alpirush Weesau! 
Futaba: Woah! It's so huge. *o* How were you able to have a friend from here?
Aya: Well, he was one of the people who first visited my restaurant and he was impressed by the taste of my dishes so he asked me about a lot of things. Like "What is the secret of your cooking?" Blah blah blah... and then we finally became friends~
Futaba: Ah, you're actually incredible sometimes.
Aya: Of course~
Mabuchi-sensei: I'm jealous... TT__TT
Aya: Don't worry, I'll hire you here when Kou and Fu-chan get married~
Futaba: Onii-san!!!! >///<
Aya: Haha, let's go now to where he is. *walks to the head nurse* Excuse me, I have an appointment with Dr. Whillams.
Head nurse: Ah, you are Mr. Yoshioka. I'll show you the way to his room.
Aya: Thank you very much.

Head nurse: *Knocks* Dr. Whilliams? Mr. Yoshioka and his accompany are here to see you.
Dr. Whilliams: Ah, let them come in.
Head nurse: *Opens the door*
Aya: Whilliams~! So glad to see you again.
Dr. Whilliams: Yoshioka~! Looking cool, ain't ya?
Aya: Yeah, you look so great too wearing that doctor outfit.
Dr. Whilliams: No need for compliments~ Haha.. so anyway, what do you want to talk about?
Futaba: Ah, g-goodu morningu. Watashi-(Ah, I'm not really good at english) I.. am Yoshioka sistuh.. Niceu to meetu you.
Dr. Whilliams: Don't worry, I already actually learned how to speak Japanese so you can freely talk to me.
Aya: Oh? You did? You didn't tell me~
Dr. Whilliams: Of course, I wanted to surprise you.
Futaba: So um... About "Dokiro" disease, have you possibly heard of it?
Dr. Whilliams: "Dokiro" disease, eh? Can you tell me something about it?
Futaba: Ah, yes! It only happens to one in a billion people. The person who has this disease has lesser heartbeats than everyone else.
Dr. Whilliams: Ohhh, I think I know it. In english it's called "Heartbeat disease". I'm actually very familiar with it because my girlfriend also had it. I became a doctor so I can search for a cure in that disease. It was fortunate that you were brought to me. I think we are fated to meet each other because now, I would finally be able to use what I've discovered, the way to heal a person with this kind of disease.
Futaba: Eh? Does that mean... you weren't able to save your girlfriend?
Dr. Whilliams: Sadly, yes.
Futaba: T-That's- *tears started falling*
Dr. Whilliams: Don't worry. It is the reason why I searched for a solution to this matter. I don't want anybody to feel the sadness I felt in the past.
Futaba: Thank you... very much!
Dr. Whilliams: You are very welcome. So is this man on the wheelchair the one with the disease?
Futaba: Yes.
Dr. Whilliams: Alright, I'll let him stay in a hospital room for a while.
Mabuchi-sensei: I'll take him there.
Dr. Whilliams: Are you perhaps his older brother?
Mabuchi-sensei: Yeah.
Dr. Whilliams: No wonder you two look alike so much.
Mabuchi-sensei: *chuckles*
Dr. Whilliams: Okay, his room will be in the 3rd floor, room number 143.
Mabuchi-sensei: Hai. *goes out with the sleeping Kou*
Dr. Whilliams: Now then, I shall explain to you what kind of treatment I will do to Kou. You see, I discovered a herb known as "heurvana". I was making an experiment using my pet dog which was about to die because of oldness. I mixed the herb together with salted water and sprinkled them on my dog. I observed it and saw that my pet dog turning energetic and lively day by day but it was only for a limited time. My pet dog was only able to extend his life for 20 years. 
Futaba: Did you try to sprinkle some medicine again after 20 years?
Dr. Whilliams: I tried.. but, it didn't have an effect anymore.
Futaba: I-It's alright. As long as he will live much longer, I'm happy now. I will be able to spend more time with him and make a lot of memorable moments in our life.
Dr. Whilliams: That's the spirit. I'll start the treatment later. 

The treatment was already given to Kou and when he woke up, he felt his strength coming back.

Kou: Sensei, thank you for extending my life! I'm truly indebted to you.
Dr. Whilliams: Oh, not a problem. I'm so happy I am able to let you live much longer.
Aya: No wonder he's a professional~
Dr. Whilliams: Of course! *laughs*
Aya: How about we go to my restaurant to celebrate Kou's successful treatment?
Mabuchi-sensei: THAT WOULD BE NICE~ *O*
Futaba: Here goes Mabuchi-sensei again. *chuckles*
Kou: Futaba.
Futaba: Yes?
Kou: Thank you... for always giving me hope.. and for not giving up on me.
Futaba: You're always welcome. ^-^
Aya: Let's go now to my restaurant!!!!!
Everyone: YEAH~!!!!


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