Chapter VI - The Reason

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Today was a lot of fun. I hope we can do it again some time.

Honestly, Kou wasn't really good at dancing... maybe I should teach him next time? Anyway, he was so cute being red and nervous. Teasing him a little isn't so bad. XD Hehehe~ 

Oh, I just remembered... what was he about to tell me that time?


Kou: Here *Offers his arm* May I have this dance with you?
Futaba: Hai!
Kou: *Holds her left hand while his other hand is around her waist*
Futaba: *Holds his right hand while her other hand is on top of his left shoulder*
*as if they're in a ballroom dancing posture*
Kou: Are you uncomfortable?
Futaba: No, I-I'm not. (It's strangely getting hot here)
Kou: Then let's begin our dance.
Futaba: Yeah.


Futaba: Is this your first time? 
Kou: Y-Yeah... I just watch them from the television. I didn't know this was a bit difficult.
Futaba: Don't worry. You just need to relax so that you can become comfortable.
Kou: Ah, alright. By the way, why is your left hand shaking?
Futaba: W-Well, it's because.. (your hand is around my waist, it makes me nervous)
Kou: Ah!
Futaba: Oh, sorry! I stepped on your shoes. I wasn't paying attention. My bad!
Kou: It's okay.. (I guess we both feel nervous)
Futaba: It's kind of nice being able to dance with you like this.
Kou: Yeah, I feel the same... Umm, Futaba.. There's something I need to tell you.
Futaba: What is it?
Kou: You see, the reason I-

*suddenly, Fireworks started to show up before he was able to say it*

Futaba: Woaaaah~!!! The fireworks are pretty! 
Kou: Yes, they really are. (Maybe I shouldn't tell her now)

And the event finally came to an end.


Aya: Futaba, is something wrong? 
Futaba: Onii-san, I need to go back to the amusement park. Go ahead and tell mom that I will come home a little late.
Aya: Hmm, alright. I'll see ya later!
Futaba: Hai! *runs off heading towards the place where they last went* *breathes heavily* 

Where is he? Did he go home already? I guess I'll give him a call.

Mabuchi-sensei: Hello? This is Mabuchi Youichi speaking. 
Futaba: Mabuchi-sensei? (why is sensei the one who answered the phone instead of Kou?) Umm, do you know where Kou is right now?
Mabuchi-sensei: Kou? Ah, he's at home already. He's just taking a bath right now.
Futaba: Ah, okay. I'll just call him again later. (So they went home already)
Mabuchi-sensei: Oh, he told me that he won't be able to answer calls these coming days cause he's busy with something.
Futaba: Is that so? Alright, I understand. *hangs up*

The following day, Kou was absent. 3 days has passed and he is still not yet coming to school. I'm starting to get worried.

Yuuri: Futaba-chan, are you okay?
Futaba: Yuuri, I'm worried about Kou... The last time I saw him was when we went to the amusement park and then after that, I wasn't able to keep in touch with him. I wonder what happened to him...
Yuuri: Futaba-chan, don't worry! I know Kou is doing fine. He's strong after all! And maybe he's just really busy about something. It might be a surprise for you or something.
Futaba: I wish you are right, Yuuri-chan. Thanks for comforting me. :)
Yuuri: Of course, I'm your friend after all. We'll always support each other in times of difficulties.
Futaba: Hehe~ Hai hai.

I'm scared it might happen again. He might leave me like how he did back then. But I have faith that he won't do it to me anymore. I trust him.

Futaba: *bumps into someone* Oh, ah, gomen nasai!
Mabuchi-sensei: Futaba-chan! It's alright no worries~
Futaba: Mabuchi-sensei! How is Kou doing? Why is he not coming to school these past 3 days?
Mabuchi-sensei: Ah...Futaba-chan, I think.. you need to break your connections to him.
Futaba: W-What? I don't understand.
Mabuchi-sensei: It's for your own good.
Futaba: How can it be for my own good?! Not being able to see him or know how he is doing right now hurts me. Please, let me know where he is.
Mabuchi-sensei: I'm sorry, Futaba-chan. Please forget him, forget everything about him.
Futaba: I can't do that! After all the pain I endured for these past years, I won't be able to do that. Not knowing the reason why he left before and now, it's like stabbing my heart over and over again. I loved him then and I love him now! 
Mabuchi-sensei: All the more reason you need to forget him.
Futaba: I don't understand. What's so wrong about wanting to see him and be with him? I don't want to forget him and I will never. When I finally saw him again, I thought he would only bring pain again to me but no, he brought more happiness to me. He gave color to my life once again so please, don't stop me from seeing him, don't tell me to forget about him... because this is what I decided for myself.
Mabuchi-sensei: You are persistent, aren't you? That's what I like about you. You always give Kou hope and happiness. Alright, I'll take you to where he is.
Futaba: Arigatougozaimasu.

After the class ended, Mabuchi-sensei has taken me to a hospital near their place. I was kind of nervous and afraid to go in but I really want to see him so I went in his room.

Mabuchi-sensei: Kou, someone is here to see you!
Kou: Who is it?
Futaba: *Comes in* H-Hello. I was worried so I wanted to come here.
Kou: Ah.. sorry. You have to see me like this. Anyway, I was the one who told onii-san that it is better if you lose your connections and forget about me.
Mabuchi-sensei: I guess I'll leave you two for a while. *goes out of the room*
Futaba: Why did you tell such a thing?
Kou: I didn't want you to worry about me.. well, I'm an idiot though because I know that you'll worry about me eventually. 
Futaba: The "thing" you want to tell me the other day, what is it?
Kou: Ah... I think now's the right time to tell you... The reason I left you that day. Have you heard of "dokiro" disease?
Futaba: No, I haven't. Is it serious?
Kou: It's a rare disease. It only happens to one in a billion people. Those who have this disease has lesser heartbeats than everyone else. You can see on this monitor right beside me, the number of heartbeats I have left. I only have 6 months left to live. The reason I left you that day was because I have to visit a hospital in a faraway place. That day when I first met you, my heart was beating abnormally. It beats too fast and my life span became less. When I was born, it was said that I only have 25 years to live but when I met you 5 years ago(Kou's currently 16 now), it became 5 years. Before I met you, I thought of life as something insignificant because I was about to die early anyway but when I met you, you gave me hope and a reason to live so I don't regret meeting you. I was sad when I had to left you that time... I didn't want you to know. During those times me and my brother were finding a hospital where they can cure me or let me live for a longer time... but none of them were able to know how to deal with this disease. When I met you again now, I was really happy but I had to be cold and rude to you because I don't want you to become too attached to me, but it turns out that I was the one who is being too attached to you. I realized that I really love you, but if this love will bring you pain once again, I'd rather let you forget about me.
Futaba: You idiot! *cries* If you have told me about it earlier, I would have understand you! You didn't need to hide it from me... I'm sorry because I only cared about myself. I thought I was the only one who is enduring the pain. It turns out you were the one who is suffering the most. *cries harder* I'm really sorry!
Kou: Come on, don't cry... I don't want to see you being sad. I want you to be always happy.
Futaba: This is only natural... I'm crying because I care about you.
Kou: Turns out I'm the same as your father, I have to leave you early.
Futaba: Don't say that. I won't get mad if you leave me because I understand now. I understand why Father died early, it was because he loved me so much that he worked hard for me. But still, of course, I don't want you to leave me. I will pray that you will live longer.
Kou: Thank you for everything, Futaba. I'm really glad I met you.
Futaba: Me too, Kou. I love you so please live.
Kou: I love you too... I'll do the best I can to live longer. :)

After 4 months, still, nothing happened. He will only have 2 months more to live.. But I still won't lose hope. Hang in there, Kou.

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