Chapter VIII - The Beginning of Something New

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Kou and I are now in 3rd Year Highschool. Soon, we will graduate and we'll have to take the paths we have chosen for ourselves. That time when we went to America and we met Dr. Whilliams, I decided that I want to be a cardiologist. I want to save many people who suffer from the same disease as Kou and give hope to each one of them. As for Kou, he decided to be a chef just like my older brother.


Mom: Futaba dear, I'm so saaaad! TT__TT
Futaba: Eh? Aren't you supposed to be happy? 
Mom: Because you will leave me already.
Futaba: Don't think of something like that and it's not like we'll be apart forever. I'm just going abroad to study medicine. You know the reason why I decided that, right?
Mom: Yes, I'm actually happy and proud of you but still, I'm going to miss you so much!
Futaba: Awww, I'll miss you too Mom. Thanks for everything and I love you so much~
Mom: I love you too, dear.

Yuuri: Futaba-chan, congrats!
Futaba: Arigatou~ You, too Yuuri-chan!
Yuuri: I'll be cheering on for you so do your best! ^_~ If you and Kou will have children in the future, I'll surely become their teacher.
Futaba: Hey.. W-We're not even married yet.. *blushes*
Yuuri: *Laughs* You will, eventually.

Aya: Fu-chan! Congrats~ *hugs her tightly*
Futaba: Onii-san, I.. can't.. breath.
Aya: Oh, sorry sorry. I'm just so happy you'll be coming with me to America.
Futaba: Yeah, I'm looking forward to it, too! ^-^
Aya: Aren't you sad that you have to leave Kou?
Futaba: Of course, I will be sad...

Mabuchi-sensei: It's fine~ I know he'll be waiting for you. He won't be snatched by other woman.
Futaba: I have faith he won't betray me so don't give me misunderstandings, sensei. -_-
Mabuchi-sensei: Haha, gomen nasai. Anyway, congratulations for graduating!
Futaba: Thank you, Mabuchi-sensei! I'll do my best!

Aya: Fu-chan, our flight will be later at 4:30 pm.
Futaba: Ah, right. It's 3 pm now. We should get going. *looks around* I wonder where he is? Sadly, I won't be able to say goodbye to him. :(

In the Airport

Aya: Fu-chan, I'll just go buy some snacks first. I'm getting hungry. 
Futaba: It's alright, go ahead onii-san... *calls Kou* His phone is turned off. Kou, where are you???
Kou: Are you looking for me?
Futaba: *turns around*Kou! I've been searching for you! Where have you been?
Kou: I was watching you from afar all these time.
Futaba: Why didn't you show up?
Kou: I wanted to surprise you because... I will also be going with you to America.
Futaba: EH?! O-O  R-Really?
Aya: *comes out of a sudden* I invited him~
Kou: But actually, I asked him to because I don't want to be separated from you again.
Aya: No worries~ He'll be working under me. He said that he'll study also in America while doing a part-time job in my restaurant.
Futaba: Oh. How nice~ Thank you very much, onii-san. You have done a lot of things for me.. I'm really grateful to you.
Aya: It's because I love my imouto-san so much~ *Hugs her*
Futaba: Hey, stooop!
Kou: Strange, I feel irritated seeing them like this.
Aya: Oh??? Someone's jealous. *pushes Futaba to Kou*
Futaba: *bumps onto Kou* Gomen! It's because onii-san pushed-
Kou: *puts his hands around her and hugs her*
Futaba: E-Eh?? >///< Kou, why are you-
Kou: *releases her* Ah, no.. My hands just started to move on their own. *blushes*
Futaba: Could it be that... you wanted a hug?
Kou: I don't!
Futaba: *chuckles* Stop being a tsundere! Alright come here!
Kou: Hey, I'm not a chil-
Futaba: *hugs him* there~
Kou: I said I don't want to.. *blushes*
Aya: Hey, that's unfair, Fu-chan!
Futaba: Kou is an exception! :P
Aya: Tch!

Once again, we are in America... these following days will be a different one from before. I will have to work harder to achieve my goal in becoming a full-fledged doctor!

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