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The next day to follow, Eliza was quite worried. It had only been a day, but she felt like she had already ruined the friendship she was beginning to create. She decided to keep her head low, and let everything work itself out.

Eliza went to her first block class with Jeremy and Carolynn, and of course, they could not stop talking to her. It gave her a little hope. Second block, Charlie sat next to her and was constantly engaging in conversation, making Eliza's heart skip a beat.

When lunch came around, there became a slight awkward silence amongst the friends.

"You see her new boy toy?" Amelia says causing everyone to look what she was talking about.

"That's the dude she told me were just friends." Charlie said rolling his eyes. The friends looked around, knowing something that he didn't. "I saw the messages, I knew."

A wave of relief comes across everyones faces.

"You are too good for her Charlie." Eliza says looking next to her. He blushes, of course, making her blush as well, both of them looking down. Eliza looks back up at Owen and Amelia who were both smirking at Eliza. 

"Come on, let's go to drama." Jeremy says as the lunch bell finishes ringing.

Everyone walks ahead of Eliza, causing Eliza to get lost in the crowd. Panicking, Eliza looks around, trying to find someone to help her through the busy halls.

She spots Charlie a little bit a way and fights her way towards him.

"Hey, I was looking for you." He smiles putting his arm around her to use his arm to protect her from others bumping into her.

"I got stuck in the crowd." She says giving off an anxious tone. "Sorry, I don't do well with a lot of people in one spot." Eliza explains looking down.

"It's alright. I'm here. The class room is right there." Charlie smiles, pointing to the open door just ahead.

The two walk in, with Charlie still having his arm placed around Eliza. They walk up to the group who are talking with each other.

"Where were you guys?" Owen asks, noticing the arm still around Eliza.

"I got stuck in the crowd, Charlie fished me out." Eliza says smiling at him. "I don't do well with a lot of people at once."

As the bell rang for their third period to start, Mrs. Adkins, the drama teacher walks up to the podium. 

"Alright class, gather around." She says waving her arms for the students to come towards her. "As you know, we will have a spring performance this year, and by popular demand, we will be doing Mamma Mia." She says clapping her hands together. The students break out into applaud and chatter. "We are going to start auditions today, you should know by the end of class what part you are, so we can get started rehearsal." 

Mrs. Adkins passes to everyone scripts and song sheets for all of the performances. "You all need to keep up with these, I don't have a lot of extras." She starts off. The teacher goes off into a rant about expectations for the performance, how this will end up being their final, normal things a teacher would rant on about.

"Who are you going to audition for?" Carolynn asks Eliza in her ear.

"Oh, I don't know. They are all good parts." Eliza says while attempting to listen to what the teacher was saying.

"Go out for Sophie. You would be so good at Sophie." Amelia says chiming in on the conversation.

"Alright, for auditions, let's break you out into the groups you will be auditioning for." Mrs. Adkins starts. "Let's have Sophies here, Skys here... and then anyone who wants a small ensemble part here." She says pointing in different places. Everyone breaks out into where they are supposed to go, and to Eliza's luck, Erin was auditioning for Sophie too.

High School Sweethearts// Charlie GillespieWhere stories live. Discover now