thirty one

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Today is a special day. Why you might ask? Today is November 30th, the cast wrap party, or in other news, Eliza's 19th birthday. For Eliza, birthdays have always been special, thanks to her mother. Every year, her mother made a theme to her party, mermaids, Harry Potter, Hawaii, you name it, Eliza's mom probably did it. Now, usually Eliza's mom would invite a bunch of people, but nobody really would show up, but that was okay to Eliza. That meant she could be herself on her special day with her parents. On Eliza's 18th birthday, in the states, since both her mother and father are from Canada, they decided to throw a birthday party just the three of them, trying different alcohols to figure out what Eliza liked. And to anyone's surprise, it was wine; a classic gal.

This year is different though. Eliza's mom died a week after her 18th birthday, which I can assume you know how painful this birthday is going to be. Since today was the cast wrap, she decided to keep her head low, and make it through the day without having someone make a big fuss. 

But of course, knowing Charlie and the gang, Eliza's birthday had to be epic, according to Oliver. He had stressed to Charlie over the phone how good this birthday needed to be, to remind Eliza that her mom was here, even if she wasn't, physically here. Charlie, with the help of Carolynn, Amelia, Savannah, and Madison, planned the best birthday they could think of and told everyone that it was a 'cast wrap party'. Smooth, huh.

"And, that's a wrap, everyone!" Kenny calls into the microphone. "I will see everyone tonight for our cast wrap party." He smiles, handing someone his microphone and walking off. 

"So." Savannah says turning to Eliza. "I was thinking we could go shopping, maybe get our nails done for the party tonight?" She smiles.

Eliza lets out a little sigh of relief. "Yeah, that sounds fun." She smiles. 

"I already texted Carolynn and Amelia, they are going to meet us at the mall, and then we can get ready at yours." 

Eliza nods her head as Savannah links arms with her to go back to their trailers.

Charlie, on the other hand, was a wreck. He had been planning this for a month. The girls left Charlie a list of everything he needed to make sure was ready, while they distract Eliza for the day.

"No, Jere. The balloons go over there." Charlie says frustrated pointing to the open space. 

"Dude, calm down." Jeremy replies. "It's gonna be fine."

"Yeah man, have you seen this place?" Owen says looking at all of the lights and decorations that were being put up, thanks to the crew. They had rented out a pub for the night just for this moment.

"I know, it looks great." Charlie huffs. He sits down at a table, looking at the list. "I just don't know how she is going to respond to this." He sighs. "She hates surprises like this. What if it causes her to have a panic attack? What if it becomes all too much for her, with her mother and all?" He looks up at the two boys, who sat down across from him.

"If that happens, we will be there to help." Jeremy gives a reassuring smile. "It's going to be okay." 

Charlie looks up and smiles. "Alright, what's next?"


"El, try this one!" Amelia says, shoving a dress into her hands.

"A, this is really short." She says looking at the dress.

"And? You will look hot." Amelia laughs, pushing her into a dressing room.

Eliza puts on the silver dress and looks at herself. 'Damn, Amelia, you've done it again' She thought. The dress came up right towards the top of her thighs, with spaghetti straps and an open back. It hugged her in all of the right places, she looked great.

High School Sweethearts// Charlie GillespieWhere stories live. Discover now