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At the diner, the group could not shake the fact that the crowd loved them so much. All they have to do now, is wait until Monday for Mr. Jones final decision on who is to be declared the winner. 

"It won't be long now, we will have record companies lining up to see us." Jeremy says looking around the group.

"Guys, this is amazing. I mean we were on fire. FIRE." Carolynn says as she sips her milkshake.

"We got to keep playing, get ourselves out there." Owen says mid bite.

"But how?" Eliza asks.

"There are open mics every week at the coffee shop by the school, for starters. There are so many places that hold contests or gigs we can play at, we just need to get ourselves out there." Charlie says putting his arm around Eliza. 

"This sounds like a lot of work. We need to start looking for a manager." Amelia huffs. "Isn't your dad a manager for multiple companies?" She says looking at Eliza.

"Yeah, I can see if he wants to help us. I mean after our performance tonight, I'm sure he would be more than happy to help us." Eliza says.

"Well call him!" Owen yells.

"Alright, alright!" Eliza says pulling out her phone to call her dad.

"Hey dad!" Eliza says into her phone.

"Sweetheart, you guys were on fire tonight! Sorry I had to leave early, I got a phone call from my boss. He wants me to start scaling out new artist." He explains.

"Oh that's alright. Speaking of-" Eliza starts before her father quickly cut her off.

"Actually I need to tell you something. I sent my boss a video of your performance tonight with your band." He says sounding cautious that she would be upset.

"And?" She yells making the group look at her funny.

"He's flying in tomorrow, he wants to meet you guys. I hope that is alright with you." 

"Dad! Are you serious? That's amazing!" Eliza yells.

"What?" Jeremy says looking at the girl funny.

"Dad's boss is flying in tomorrow to meet with us! Dad sent him a video!" Eliza yells making the group break out into cheer. "Dad, thank you so much! I actually was calling to see if you could be our manager." Eliza chirps.

"Of course, E. I really saw something in you all. I would love to help, now all you guys have to do is wow him. I got to go, boss is calling again." The father says before quickly hanging up.

"Guys, we got ourselves a manager!" Eliza yells once more waving her hands. 

"Hell yeah, Sunset Curve is now in action!" Owen cheers.

The group continued to celebrate their victories before they all decided to crash at Eliza's. They wanted to be able to get up early and practice before the man had to come into town.

"If this guy likes us, we could go huge." Owen says plopping in Eliza's love seat. 

"I mean there are so many famous people your dad has signed. This is incredible." Amelia says sitting next to her brother, making him scoot over.

"Amelia, there is barely enough room on here for me, why do you think both of us could fit?" Owen barks.

"Last time I checked, we shared a room. And you had all of it. This is karma." Amelia says making herself comfortable.

"We need to start working on more songs." Charlie says pulling out his journal. "E, let's start working on some."

"Let me get my songbook." She says getting up and going downstairs to the living room where she had left it. When she had gotten back, Carolynn pulled out Eliza's keyboard and Charlie pulled out his acoustic. 

"Okay, I wrote this song way back when the boys and I were just starting out. It's called Now or Never." Charlie says playing the beginning cords.

"Dude, that would be such a good song for us!" Jeremy jumps up.

"Let's see it." Carolynn says.

After the boys play the songs, along with a couple other songs, the group spent the rest of the night preparing for tomorrow. They wanted to give anything they had to the man incase he asked for anything else.

"Guys, we need to go to sleep." Eliza says taking in a big yawn. "It's 1:30."

"I think Owen and Amelia are ahead of us." Carolynn says as the group looks over to see the siblings passed out on the new king blow up her father recently bought.

"Jere and I are good down here." Carolynn says pulling the covers over the twins. "You two can have your bed."

Eliza looked panicked for a second. She had never slept in the same bed with a boy. 

"Is that okay with you?" Charlie asks turning to the girl who was clearly flushed.

"Yeah." She smiles.

Jeremy turns off the light and lays down next to Carolynn. Charlie laid down next to Eliza leaving a big gap between the two. 

"Charlie, you can scoot closer. I don't bite." She whispers.

Charlie lifts his head up to look at her and quickly cuddles up next to her. She turns around to look at him kissing his nose.

"Best day ever." She says in his ear, making sure not to wake anyone.

"Why's that?" He smiles.

"We played the show of a lifetime, and it was only our first show." She starts. "And you are my boyfriend." She giggles. "I've never had a boyfriend."

Charlie's eyes went wide. "How, you are literally the most gorgeous human to roam the Earth." He smiles. "Not to mention how great of a person you are."

"I never wanted one, I was always focused on my work. But you, you're different." She says looking up at the boy who was half asleep. "You share the same passion, you make it easy."

"Well, I'm glad I'm your first. I'm going to work on being your last too." He says kissing her, pulling her close to him. "Good night, sweet girl." 

"Good night, Charlie." She says burying herself into his chest, falling asleep to the rising and falling of his chest.

High School Sweethearts// Charlie GillespieWhere stories live. Discover now