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...Gomen'nasai, I really haven't been active that much but I really hope you enjoy this chapter like you did with the rest :)


The room was dead silent. No one dared to speak. The Leaf nin were frozen in place.

"Why is the Akatsuki here? All of them nonetheless...I would understand if two or three where here, but all of them? Do they really care that much about Naruto?" Tsunade questioned herself as the carefully assessed the situation. They looked so pissed.

Itachi turned his head towards the blond, as if scanning for injuries. He mentally let out a sigh of relief when Naruto looked unharmed. He walked towards Naruto as Kurama let down the chakra barrier, picking him up bridal style. He slightly smiled at Naruto also getting a sweet smile in return from the blonde, before turning back to the Leaf nin.

Sasuke was dumbstruck to say the least. He wanted to say something, but the words were stuck in his throat. His brother was alive. That was all he could think about, but was pulled from his thoughts as someone spoke.

"Konan, Sasori, Kakuzu..." Pain finally broke the silence, "Take Naruto and head back to the village, we don't have a lot of time.". The three gave Pain firm nods and took Naruto from Itachi's arms.

"Where do you think you're taking Naruto!?" Sakura shouted, she really wished she hadn't said that as Itachi's eyes glared at her.

"You're in no place whatsoever to be asking questions..." Itachi spoke, "I should be the one asking all of you this question. Exactly, what do you think you're doing?"

That question sounded more like a threat than a question. His eyes looked clouded with rage, his Sharingan seemed to be drilling holes through her. Sakura has beyond terrified. Sasuke saw Sakura's expression and decided to speak for her.

"We were trying to help our team mate. We were also wondering the same thing..." Sasuke replied with anger in his voice.

"We are trying to help our Kage hn..." Deidara said. "Kidnapping is a serious offense, but you kidnapped a Kage hn...'. Deidara wasn't holding anything back, he wanted to add more fuel to the fire and he was doing that skillfully. He started to notice them sweat as if they knew that if this were discovered it would mean trouble for their Kage.

Ino, Hinata and Sakura were shocked to here that Naruto was a Kage. They knew that kidnapping a nations official- a Kage to be precise- was inexcusable. After all, they were the only ones in that room that didn't know that Naruto was a Kage.

"We should get going." Konan said as she felt Naruto flinch. "I don't think Naruto can hold out any longer"

"I'm fine thank you very much!" Naruto said. "No you're not. Stop being so stubborn... I'll see you later...with the other two." Itachi said smiling at his love. Naruto's cheeks went red and he pouted, mumbling something about how Itachi was always the one clinging to him like a leech.

"You were the one always clinging to to him like a leech" Konan said. Naruto was arguing with her as they shunshined way.


"Now then, I don't think we owe you any explaination whatsoever to what just happened..." Obito spoke, he wasn't using his childish voice at all. He was dead serious. "What you did was inexcusable and unforgivable, you will pay...dearly".

"You didn't think about what you were doing.....did you?" Deidara asked with a smirk. "You really didn't..." Hidan said sadisticly. "Letting emotions cloud your judgement is one of the things a shinobi must not do....Sasuke" Itachi said turning his attention to his little brother. It felt as if they were mocking them and Sasuke didn't like it one bit. He wanted to say something but none of his words would get them out of this. Itachi was making a lot of sense and no one could disagree with him because they all knew he was right.

Kidnapping a Kage would not mean trouble for the hokage only but the entire Fire nation. (Lets pretend futile lords dont exist in this -.-). This would mean something far bigger than the political status of the Fire Nation crumbling down...

"We should get going, I think we're done here." Obito spoke

This would mean war...

And the Leaf nin knew that...

War between two nations of high status. The damage would be so severe that both nations wouldn't recover for atleast three generations max.

This was bad...every nation would know about this if word got out...

The Leaf let their emotions get the better of them...

They let their emotions cloud their judgement...

"Hopefully....we'll meet again...on the battlefield..." Itachi spoke

Hopefully? Hopefully? There was no hope. Yet the Leaf village hoped for one thing....

What possibly could they place their trust in?

At this point all they could hope for was that Naruto hadn't changed during all those years he was with the Akatsuki....


Well that's done :) This chapter was requested by @littleshortie55

I really had fun writting this for you since you asked so nicely UwU, I hope you also enjoy reading it

Loveliest regards to all of you reading this!! I appreciate the support :)

I wuv you UwU

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 02, 2021 ⏰

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