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Hello again :)

This is going to be the last half of the previous chapter with more editing

Enjoy!! :)


Naruto gasped as woke he from his slumber, he looked around and realized he was in a place built of what looked like brownstone. Closing his eyes- he focused, sending out a wave of chakra and he could sense 8 people in the room, "Five ANBU..." he thought, and some familiar chakra signatures. "Sasuke, Sakura, Tsunade..." he whispered

Naruto looked around trying to find a way out, not making it obvious that he was awake. He tried to move- only to realize his hands and ankles were chained to the wall behind him. "Shit" he growled alerting everyone in the room, "Naruto?" Tsunade asked. Naruto looked up acting suprised, "Grandma?" he questioned, he looked behind her and saw the people he had sensed before. He looked at a man who had what seemed to be a faceguard with the leaf symbol on it, Sasuke stood next to the man with Sakura clinging to his arm. "Some things never change.", He thought.

"Naruto!" Tsunade dashed over and wend to hug him till he saw him chained. She turned around, yelled and asked "Now is this the way to welcome a fellow Leaf shinobi home?!", "Fellow 'Leaf' shinobi?" he questioned. "I stopped being a Leaf shinobi the moment I left your supervision!" he yelled back. Tsunade turned around was about to tell him about 'How important he was', but paused as her eyes fell to his stomach. "W-What?....Naruto are you?...." she asked in shock, backing up a few steps. "Yes. Yes I am." he answered bluntly. This was the first time she had seen him in years, and seeing this was not what she had expected, Naruto was young- TOO young to be pregnant, "She sure is dramtic..." he thought to himself. "Who is the father, Naruto.". She wanted an answer- and now. Naruto scoffed, "Like I would ever tell you." Naruto retaliated. "Just tell us Naruto!" Sasuke and Sakura shouted in unison, "No!" Naruto shouted. "Naruto. NOW." Tsunade demanded again. "Okay, okay, I'll tell you." Naruto said, "It's Itachi Uchiha.". The room went silent...everyone was in disbelief. "ITACHI?!, MY BROTHER?!" the raven yelled in disbelief, " He's still alive?!" Sasuke yelled.

Sakura made herself known by punching the wall beside Naruto's head, causing him to flinch. He let out a scream, " I didnt even hit you!" Sakura yelled at him. After watching Naruto closely for a few seconds and hearing him gasp, Tsunade's eyes widened as Naruto's maternal kimono dampened at the bottom. Shit.

"YAMATO, he holds the Nine Tails and he's gone into labour!", Tsunade yelled panicking. As if on cue, he sped threw differend hand signs before wooden pillars with different markings sprung up from the ground.

Naruto looked on as they untied him and sat him on the ground. Not the most comfortable way to give birth, but hey!, he couldn't complain- considering the situation he was in. Kurama released a chakra barrier surrounding Naruto so nobody could touch him. "Really? Is that necessary right now!?" Sasuke asked. Completely ignoring him, the blond's screams filled the air. While Sakura covered her ears, "SAKURA!, this is not the time to be covering your ears!" Tsunade yelled. "Yes Mi'lady!", "Call Shizune and Hinata NOW!" she ordered, "Yes ma'am!". Sakura ran out of the room and ran as quickly as she could to go find them. She returned 10 minutes later with the two Kunoichi (I think thats how you spell it), and another..... "Ino!, what are you doing here?" Sasuke asked. "Well I heard Naruto was giving birth and I thought i should come help!", "It's fine Sasuke!, we have an emergency on our hands right now!". All of the recently called Kunoichi couldn't believe their eyes, Naruto was in front of them and he was in labour!

But they didn't have time to think about that! They had to help! "But how are we supposed to help if there's a barrier around him?" Shizune asked. "That's why I called you two, Ino being here just makes it better!, I need you to try and break that chakra barrier." Tsunade said finally calming down. "D-Don't bother!" Naruto said in pain, "Why the hell not!?" Sasuke asked, "N-No one apart from m-me can b-break this barrier!" Naruto said in the midst of a scream. "Then let it down!" Sasuke yelled. "And let you Leaf shinobi touch my baby before Itachi?, like hell I would!" Naruto yelled back. "Wait. Itachi's the father?" Shizune questioned. "Yes, he is." Sakura answered.

"Hinata!", "Yes ma'am!","Use your Byakugun to see inside of Naruto's abdomen, i can sense more than one chakra signature coming from him!" Tsunade ordered. "On it.....W-What!?" "What? What is it?!" Tsunade asked. "Not only can I see one child but.....I see three children!". "WHAT!?" everyone yelled in unison.


For my second chapter i think i did well ;) but this is where the original chapter ends. Yes, I edited it a lot- I know but I hope you enjoyed, please tell me what you think in the comments

Have a nice day :)

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