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Hello again :)

I've updated i don't have anything more to say so......




"Hinata!", "Yes ma'am!","Use your Byakugun to see inside of Naruto's abdomen, i can sense more than one chakra signature coming from him!" Tsunade ordered. "On it.....W-What!?" "What? What is it?!" Tsunade asked. "Not only can I see one child but.....I see three children!". "WHAT!?" everyone yelled in unison.


Everyone couldn't believe believe what Hinata had just said...

Naruto's cries filled the room as he yelled the other Uchiha's name, But no one heard the blonde. They were still in shock after hearing the news.

"Triplets...no way..." Sasuke said shocked, he didn't know how to react to this. He had three....three..."Hinata..." Sasuke called. "What are their genders?..." he asked as if scared to hear her answer. Sasuke mentally praying for them to be boys (totally out of character). "I don't know...I would have sensed if they were girls or boys.." she said as she deactivated her Byakugun. "What do we do know Lady Tsunade?", "I don't know Shizune, we tried asking him to take down the chakra barrier but he's still as stubborn as ever."

Tsunade let out a heavy sigh and paced around the room to think. "If he......no no that's not it, but if....no not that either!" she was frustrated. Sakura tried to be the brave one and touch the barrier and.....her hand slipped through?, not even a second had passed as she felt her legs and her other limbs give out. Ino rushed to her side and caught her before she could hit the floor, "Sakura!, are you okay?" Ino asked. "I'm fine Ino, what happened?", "I don't know..". Every one looked towards the blonde, "I t-told you, you cant g-get through." Naruto said mid exhale. "Just put the barrier down dobe!" Sasuke ordered,

Who was he to order around the Kuraikage?, but Naruto ignored the raven and spoke to Kurama.

"K-Kurama!", "Yeah yeah I can hear you, no need to shout.". Naruto had thought about it and he had decided, "Can you delay the birth of the children?" Naruto asked in pain. Kurama went silent for a few seconds..."Yes. Yes I can bu-", "Can you or can you not!?" Naruto asked in pain. "I can...but for the best intrest of the children, I can only hold it for so long.", "How l-long can you delay it for!?" Naruto let out a controlled scream. " 1 hour and 40 minutes max..." Kurama said, Naruto thought before deciding. "That's long enough for Itachi to get here....okay do it Kurama." Naruto ordered. "This may hurt a little, try to bare with me.."


Meanwhile with Itachi~

Itachi turned in the direction of his village,"Hmm..something doesnt feel right but what is it?" he mentally questioned.

"What's wrong Itachi my man?", "Nothing...just wondering..." Itachi said. "Oh come on, even I know when something's wrong hn?", "It's nothing, let's just finish with our mission Deidara.". It was weird enough that his lover had paired them together, things didn't have to get weirder. "Okay let me brief you about the mission he gave us. We need to infiltrate the Hidden cloud and Hidden stone villages, Naruto suspects that they are planning to ambush the group of ANBU guarding "The Box". "The Box" is a vault containing generations of forbidden jutsu from the Whirlpool and Sand villages. We need to find out what it is they plan to do with "The Box", because if that box falls into the wrong hands, it could the end of the entire shinobi world." Itachi explained. "So basiclly we have to protect a box?, That box better be worth it, other wise I'll blow it up with my art hn!" Deidara stated proudly. "Art is not the hardwork that goes into it but an explosion!" Itachi deadpanned. "Okay, lets get moving."

They first infiltrated the stone, then the cloud. It took them less than 2 hours because of Deidara's "art", they saw the Raikage doing suspicious activty. Sneaking of and talking to criminals but nothing too risky. They then went to help the ANBU guarding "The Box", everything seemed normal but they would keep tailing the Raikage.

They decided to take a break and rest. Deidara kept on rambling about his "art" and suprisingly got Itachi into an arguement about it, "NO! ART IS AN EXPLOSION!" Deidara exclaimed. "No, real art is a painting paited with pure emotion and a peaceful mind.", "NO!, yes, NO!, yes, NO!, ye-" , but Itachi was interupted by Pain when he summoned an emergency meeting with all Akatsuki members.

"Konan, Hidan, Kakuzu, Zetsu, Itachi, Kisame, Deidara, Sasori..,I've summoned you all here because Obito has important infomation...

"What!?" Itachi exclaimed. "What do you mean he's been kidnapped!?" Hidan also asked, "Well let me explain what happened.."

After explaining. . . . .

"What are we doing here then?!, we should be heading for the Hidden Leaf now!" Deidara said angrily. Rage was clearly in the atmosphere, and Itachi was the quiet now....silence from Itachi meant bad news. They where all gathered at the Hidden Whirlpool village and where trying to figure out how to get to Naruto. The Hidden Whirlpool was a good three days away from the Leaf, just like the Sand village.

"Hey Itachi, didn't Naruto give you a trasportation mark?" Konan asked calmy. Itachi raised his head to look at everyone, "He did.". His face looked so calm- too calm even, but it was evident that it hid a storm. His eyes said everything. Uncontrollable rage. "Let me find his chakra first...", he closed his eyes he needed to focus, the room was quiet. They all looked at him expectantly, "Found it. All of you link your chakra with me or hold hands...".

None of them were going to hold hands, "Hold hands with him?!, NO WAY!" Deidara protested pointing to Sasori. "He also said you could link your chakra, imbecile.." Sasori face palmed. "We've all linked our chakra. Lets go." said Pain.

Back to Naruto~~~

The screams had stopped and the room was silent....

No one dared to talk....

It was a staring contest (ok I'll stop now-)

"It's been an hour...come on Itachi..." Naruto thought....

Suddenly muliple chakra signatures were aprouching- and fast.

"What's going on Naruto?" Sasuke asked. He almost stopped breathing. "Itachi..." he was frozen- everyone was frozen..

"You sure took your damn time..." Naruto smiled. "Sorry Naru-kun, but we're here now." Itachi spoke smiling to his darling love and turning back to the enemy.

The Akatsuki was in the room...and let's just say.....

Shit was about to hit the fan . . .


Cliffhanger??? OwO

Hope you enjoyed tell me in the comments what you think. I think that was awfully better than the other ones I did.

I Luv, Wuv you UwU

Have a lovely day, night or morning


Lots of wuv from me

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