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Fuli made her way into Pride Rock just as the sun began to rise. She carefully walked around all the sleeping lions there. She saw Simba snoring away next to his mate Nala and daughter Kiara.

Once she saw them, she immediately knew where Kion would be.

She carefully tip-toed to the other side of the cave, farthest away from Simba, Nala, and Kiara.

Sure enough, there Kion was, laying in the coldest and emptiest corner of the cave. He was shivering, no doubt. It had been cold last night and without the warmth of a pridemate, he would definitely be cold.

Fuli sighed. Poor thing. She wished he was treated better - he was the protector of the Pride Lands for the Great Kings' sake! He at least deserved somewhere warm and cozy to sleep!

She leaned down to him. "Kion, time to get up." Fuli said, giving him a nuzzle.

"Just a few more minutes." Kion yawned, his eyes still shut.

"It's time for morning patrol." Fuli giggled when she had an idea. She started to tickle him on his belly, which sent fits of laughter out from the lion.

"Hahaha! Stop it! Hahaha! Please, haha, I'm ticklish! Hahaha!" Kion tried to squirm away, but Fuli was too strong. He could barely stop his legs from kicking out into the air as he was tickled.

"Haha! Okay, okay! Haha! I'm coming." Kion said through fits of laughter.

"Always works." Fuli stopped tickling him and gave him a superior gaze.

Kion sighed in relief that she finally stopped, but then averted his gaze downward. "Would've liked to get some sleep though. My dad wouldn't let me..."

Fuli was immediately flooded with guilt. She shouldn't have woken him. "You were up all night again on watch duty?" She asked, ears flattening in concern.

Kion nodded. "I only just fell asleep when the first dawn light appeared..." He yawned. "But it's fine. The morning patrol and keeping the Pride Lands safe can't wait." He yawned again and let his head sink. His muscles relaxed and it looked as if he was about to lay down again. It seemed he was trying his best not to just collapse to the ground right then and there.

However, his head shot right back up and his body tensed when a voice boomed; "Kion! You woke us up!"

His fur immediately bristled and he shook. He backed up fearfully.

"We need to talk. Again," Simba growled, ignoring Fuli's presence. Kion flinched as Simba led him outside. It looked like they were going towards the back of Pride Rock. She followed them - Simba didn't even seem to care she was!

They were then near the back of Pride Rock. Simba stopped and glared at his son. Fuli got in front of him protectively while he shivered and trembled.

"Don't hide behind her." Simba growled. His growl struck fear into Kion's heart. "And you were supposed to be up all night on watch duty, MAKING SURE MY PRIDE DOESN'T GET ATTACKED WHILE WE SLEEP! UGH, YOU LAZY PIECE OF SHIT!"

How dared he talk to Kion like that?! "Your Majesty." Fuli intervened while Kion trembled and shook with fear behind her. Round and fearful eyes stared up at his angry father. "He wasn't being lazy. He was tired and cold. He could get sick in that cold! He should be sleeping in the den with his family!"

"He's too much of a disturbance to sleep with us." Simba growled back. "I couldn't bear to have my mate and my daughter be around this... let's put it nicely... mess."

"Then let him sleep in my den!" Fuli protested. "You never do and if you think he's such a 'disturbance' why not?"

"Because he needs to stay here." Simba growled. He looked at his son. "YOU woke the pride."

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