A Timberhoof or Wolf?

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(There are both places where Mirror Magic and regular mlp take place, just for you to know that this has been an Equestria Girls series til now, this story will be bouncing around from Equestria Girls and Frienship is Magic. When you se FIM this will stand for Friendship is Magic and will be hosted there, when you see EG this will stand for Equestria Girls, thx and enjoy also this was before the last episodes in season 9. They are all still in Ponyvile and the school was handed to Gummy)

Place: FIM

Twilight's POV: 

It has been days after Applejack saved Rarity and Spike from the Timberwolves, I just hope that she is alright. Something strange is happening I just don't know what, someone took her and ran off somewhere, there were some claw marks so the thought of a griffon came into mind. As Spike walks in he spreads his wings and greets me. 

"How is Applejack? Did you find anything about her location?" I say with a worried look. "You still haven't thank'd her for her deeds and kindness shown to you and Rarity. She is out there somewhere probably helpless, and I just can't think about what is running threw her head right about now." 

"Well, I don't want to, and probably won't live to tell the tail." Spike says with a sad look on his face, " I can't, not when I did this to her." He says knowingly that I would yell at him after. I politely ask the guards to leave then...

"What did ,you, DO!" I yell at Spike, "What did you do this time? Was it planned attack by the Timberwolves, or even a trap for all of you guys?"

"No... It was to show Rarity how cool and awesome I was, I umm... I left a trail of turkey while on our... walk..." he said disappointedly. All I could do was stare at the disappointment I call Spike. Though he was my friend this was just too much. Now that Applejack is gone probably injured or hurt we don't have her element with us. 

"Do you know what you have done?" I ask him seriously.

"Umm. killed Applejack?" he said while his eyes started to form tears.

"You may of just doomed us, ALL" I yell in his face. This was out of line for me, but it had to be done. 

"Imagine a circle," I said as I notice Spike wiping the tears off his face. "Orange as the color, truth forms that circle, then imagine in a different color." I say as I reach out for some chalk to demonstrate " red for example, that is loyalty," then as I take out another color Spike takes interest in what I'm saying, " The white dots I just drew inside the Orange and Red circle are people, friendships, I'll take Blue, Pink, and Yellow and connect the dots." as I think of what I'm about to say it comes to me. "As I connect the dots with these colors side by side to form some kind of rainbow line, I shall draw a mini circle inside the bigger circle the color Purple and call it magic.", "Now if you haven't guessed it yet, the Blue, Yellow, and Pink represent Rarity, PinkePie, and Fluttershy. Now that leaves me Applejack and Rainbow. I'm that mini Purple ball in the center making sure that all of the dots are connected and safe, now the Orange and Red circle are Applejack and Rainbowdash forming the bond that keeps all the dots, or sheep inside the pen." 

"What does this mean Twilight?" Spike asks while gulping, I look at him with a mad face showing that I was to now be disturbed.

"Well Spike, you took away the circle that holds everyone together. Yes Rainbowdash is that thin red line holding us together for now, but until that trust and loyalty breaks, all hell breaks loose with it. Kindness will be taken away first, then the thought of giving, or Rarity's element, and after those two are gone laughter will be exposed and taken away. Magic will be tapped into and used for evil, all that I'm saying is that with Applejack gone you have risked the fall of all of Equestria to this stupid idea." I explain.

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