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Day 3

Thunder roars around us. Everyone screams as each rumble strikes around us. I keep my eyes shut and my ears plugged. I was never a fan of thunder storms but especially after... the accident. I can't. I don't pay attention to anyone around me as I focus on my breathing. Their screaming doesn't help. I know I'm crying, but the rain hides this. I don't even notice the new presence next to me. Covering myself with a bit of protection as I feel someone rocking my body lightly. I don't notice Dot come over with a raft, I barely notice being moved. I just keep my eyes closed.

"Hey, you're okay." I hear a whisper in my ear but I keep my eyes closed. I don't even care who it is, I just want this to be over.

"What's up with her?" I hear a voice exclaim. Rachel, I think it was. I wrap my arms back around my ears to again try to block everything out. I try to focus on my breathing, if I can do that, that's better than nothing.

The storm lasts all night.



"The morale was low. Well, maybe not low, more like "hangry." Some took it harder than others."

"Like who?"

"Emma. She was like all good before. But the storm fucked her up for some reason, well a reason. Not that anyone knew yet, besides Toni and Martha."

"A lot of people seem to say that. The 'not yet' phrasing."

"Well man, we weren't exactly besties. We knew we all had shit, just didn't know what type of shit." Dot guzzles down a hole milkshake in one go, "Can I get another one of these? And maybe some of those blue crab..."


"Blue crab sushi from Hinata drizzled in ponzu sauce." Fatin tells the group of Martha, Shelby, and Toni, "with just the lightest touch... just a kiss of wasabi on the side."

"I just want some Indian tacos, the way mom makes them... with black beans and Velveeta-"

"Oh, I would destroy some Velveeta right now. Like, I would just house it straight from the packet." Toni cuts Martha off.

"I'm thinking Cheesecake Factory. Four-cheese pasta, fresh brown bread." Shelby says.

"Okay, The Cheesecake Factory is grotesque. Like total mall restaurant for mall people. No judgement." Fatin jumps in, but has complete judgement in her tone. I'm sitting on the side away from everyone. I just watch the water while hugging my knees, my hand continues to twirl Ethan's necklace, "Okay, Em, you're up next. And don't worry if it sucks, you have to follow up from the Cheesecake Factory so you're golden." Fatin yells out to me. I don't turn to them or acknowledge the question. I feel their eyes, now joined by everyone else, but I stay in my own world. I still feel slight shaking in my body.

Shelby tries to take the attention off of me by asking Dot what she's doing. I turn my head slightly to see her making black smoke, "Wet woods gets us black smoke, gets us a signal fire." Dot replies. She stands up and looks to the group, "We got to get real about shelter. If we all, you know, pitch in, grab the material..." She trails off when she see's Fatin raising her hand, "Yes, lady in leopard."

"That sounds really unappealing and I'm exhausted, plus rescue is coming soon so for those reasons alone I'm out."

"You know just cause you shot me down shark-tank style doesn't make me any less annoyed." Dot replies. I look over at Rachel, Nora, and Leah who get ready to swim out. I hate to admit it but just seeing the twins makes me jealous. They start to walk away and also shut down Dot's idea of making shelter. I turn and watch Dot put on her pink visor and grab a walking stick.

Changes // Toni Shalifoe (DISCONTINUED)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن