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I woke up to Rachel standing over me. My eyebrows furrowed as I stared at her curiously, "The boys found booze. We're having a fire outside to cook some meat and just going to chill."

"Who will keep watch in here? To make sure we don't get locked out?"

"Martha," Rachel says, "She's still recovering from being, you know, comatose and all. She's been weird around the guys, not really wanting to be near them."

"Wonder why," I whispered as I looked at Rachel, "Toni not staying with her?"

"She was going to, but Martha said she was okay. Plus I think Toni wants to keep an eye on your and Hollister model number 2," I knew she was talking about Nick, but my eyebrows furrowed at the nickname.

"Who's Hollister model number 1?"

"Kirin or whatever blonde beach boys name is," Rachel rolled her eyes, making me nod my head. I wasn't sure why Rachel was the one to wake me up but o wasn't complaining. Instead I just threw on a sweater and walked out with her, "How's your side?"

"Sore," I shrugged, "Could be worse."

"You know Toni was freaking the fuck out, right? She felt like shit when we couldn't find you. With Martha comatose and you gone... she was real angry. Fatin too - she was pissed at Toni."

I stay silent. Not surprised, but just unsure how to react. The two walk out of the facility, watching as the sun was starting to dim a bit.

"Guess we'll have to find all new water and everything," I whisper.

"Yeah... who know how long the facilities will last here."

"Are we 100% sure this isn't the same island."

"Different," Rachel sighed, "We climbed the mountain - this place is huge. We would have seen it up there."

"Fuck," I whisper. Rachel just nodded next to me. I look down at her arm, "That looks better. You're lucky it didn't get infected."

"Yeah," Rachel nodded, but her tone didn't seem happy. I didn't comment, just looked at her curiously as she walked forward towards the group.

"Hey," Nick said walking up to the two girls, "We found this meat shit in the fridge."

"Why are we cooking it out here?"

"More fun," Nick shrugs, "Plus it's easier than the stove. Kirin makes a mean roast over fire."

I nod at him walking away without another glance, making Nick sigh. I walk over to Fatin, laying down next to her and leaning my head on her shoulder. Fatin rests her head back down on mine.

I look up at Toni, sending her a small smile which she returns. My eyes make its way over to Nick, who is watching me with a frown. When we make eye contact, I raise my eyebrow. He just looks away.

Dot and Henry were working on the fire. Both of them working quickly and you could tell with the most skill. When they got a fire, Kirin took over with the roast.

"How much food was in the kitchen?" Shelby asked.

"Enough for a week, maybe," Rafe said.

The bald girl nodded. An awkward silence passed around as we all thought of our terrible luck to end up in this position.

"Okay, fuck this. Let's drink," Kirin announced, pulling out a case of beer, "Found this in the cellar. Shit ton of alcohol there."

"At least we have that," Henry sighs, grabbing his own beer. Soon, we all grabbed our own drink, hoping to drink our way out of this nightmare.

Changes // Toni Shalifoe (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now