Kacchan can SMILE!?

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Kirishima POV
Did Izuku just CALM down Bakubro!?!? I didn't know he could do that! But then again it does explain why he rarely seems fazed by Bakugous outbursts. But hang on.... why did Bakugou LET him?!?

Izuku POV
We were sitting in the empty classroom, Kacchan leaning against the window and me sitting on the desk across him.

"Are you feeling better Kacchan?" I asked, trying to start a conversation.

"Tch. Yeah....thanks." He mumbled, looking up at me with A SMILE!?!? It was small and barely noticeable but it's there! And I think he's blushing!!!!!

"That's good!" I say cheerfully, trying my best not to show my excitement over the smile.

"Y'know Kacchan, you can talk to me right? When you feel angry or can't express what else your feeling? I wanna help! Like when we were kids!" I exclaim with a huge smile on my face.

"Yeah....I know. But....why?"

I was confused, why wouldn't I?? He was my friend, my very closest friend at that. And I may or may not of had a crush on him since we were kids but still!
I think Kacchan could tell I was confused because he continued..

"Why would you want to help me?? I've treated you HORRIBLY over the years and still sometimes do. HELL! I even told you to kill yourself!! And I regret everything! I don't deserve your forgiveness, let alone your kindness and help. So... why?? Why help me??"

"Because you're my friend Kacchan! I know you didn't mean those things you did in the past. You admit you regret it. I know you did them cause you felt you had to, and I also might of... kinda... over heard you say it was to protect me???"

Kacchan looked absolutely shocked, but surprisingly not angry. Instead he looked almost, relieved?

"And I know you let your emotions get the better of you sometimes Kacchan. That's why you lash out, it's instinct. I know you best remember! I know you can't control it." I had a small smile as I said this, showing him I completely understood and that there wasn't anything to be sorry for.
"Aaand don't forget I've met your family. Anger issues is basically hereditary for you!" I laughed.

"heh. yeah, I guess that's true."

Then, I had an idea.
"I KNOW! We can do yoga together again!! Just like we used to when you got angry when we were kids. Remember?"

Katsuki's POV

Oh. No. I new EXACTLY where this was going. no. nO. NO.

"Oh No no no no, NO!"

"Please Kacchan! PLEEAAASE!"
Oh no. I had to look away. He knows what he's doing that cheeky little nerd! He knows I can't say no to his babydoll face.
UGH! But I can't stop staring into those Forrest green eyes, and those cute freckled cheeks.

With great hesitation I turned back to Izu-Deku, and gave him an exasperated look which he returned with widened eyes and a twitching lip. Waiting expectantly, knowing I was caving.

"Ugh... FINE."

His face lit up instantly. Cute. I would be lying to myself if I said I didn't smile the TINIEST bit at how happy he was. And maybe a bit about how I was going to be spending more time with Zu-Deku.

But then, out of nowhere. He was hugging me.

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