Totally worried about the Pizza

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Izuku's POV:
After our little make out session on the kitchen counter, Kacchans' phone dinged and he left to get the pizza from the front door. Leaving me alone in the kitchen, swinging my legs mindlessly off the end of the bench.

"Midoriya." I turned my head towards monotone voice, none other than Shoto Todoroki was standing in the kitchen door.

"Oh! Hey Todoroki!" I smiled at the duo haired boy as he approached me.

"Midoriya, why were you and Bakugou kissing under that tree?" I blushed at the question, "um- we uh, wait- how'd you know that?" I asked.

"Mina told me. She was squealing too, it hurt my ears." I giggled slightly as he said that emotionlessly.

"I should of guessed. Shes nice and all but she's always been a bit to preoccupied with other peoples privacy."

Todoroki stepped closer to me, not breaking eye contact. "Um, todo. Wha- what are y-ou doing?"

"Midoriya, you didn't answer me. Why were you kissing Bakugou under that tree?" He spoke low and in a different tone to the one I've come to know him for.

I was actually a little scared as his stare didn't falter and seemed to be towering above me, despite my still being sat on the kitchen bench.

"Todoroki, you know you're a really close friend of mine and you mean a lot to me. B-but, that's r-really not any of y-your b-business." I spoke, slowly lowering my head from his intense gaze. Worried about coming off as rude.


"Oi! The fuck you think your doing Icyhot!? Back. The Fuck. Up.

Katsuki's POV:
I walked back into the kitchen with the pizza to find that icyhot bastard standing WAY to close to MY Izuku.

Their heads turned to me at my outburst, and I suspect anyone still in the living room's had too. I grabbed the son of Endeavour and basically flung him out of the kitchen. Taking his place in front of Deku, I held him by his shoulders as I checked him over. 

"You ok? Did he touch you? I swear to god if he tried somethi-"

"Kacchan!" He interrupted. "I'm fine, I swear. He wasn't doing anything, he was just asking about why we were k-kissing under the tree."

"Tch, well he shouldn't of been standing so close to you." I argued, knowing full well how petty I sounded right now. But he was TOO close.

"Still", he laughed. "You shouldn't of thrown him out like a dog." I pointedly rolled my eyes at the statement.

"But, I do appreciate your reasonings. It was sweet of you to get so protective of me Kacchan." He mumbled, focusing of his twiddling thumbs.

"Tch, yeah well I ain't about to let icyhot get in before I've officially claimed my spot now am I." There's no way in hell I'm letting him come on to Izu before I ask him to be my boyfriend, cause then I'll have full authority to explode his entire being for even thinking of Izuku.

"C-claim your spot? As in m-me??"

We both blushed at his words, him noticeably more than myself though.

"None of your fucking business nerd, doesn't fucking count if you don't let me ask. Now get your ass down here and eat this fucking pizza before it gets cold." I huffed as I took a seat on the floor against the island bench. I've got to plan out how and when to ask this mumbling nerd to be my boyfriend, I'm going to win him over the right way this time. Not like middle school.

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