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Katsuki's POV

I picked up the sleeping boy in my arms, gently walking to my dorm and settling us on my bed. I know it would be easier to sleep in his bed but I wanted more time with him in the morning.

I let out a relieved sigh once I had brought the sheets over us, finding he was still asleep.

We were now snuggled up on the bed, his head still in the crook of my neck and his leg left leg and arm half on top of me.
I repositioned myself so my right arm was secured around him as I pulled him closer into my chest.

It wasn't long after that I felt the tug of sleep pulling on my mind, soon relaxing into it.

~ mini time skip ~

Izuku's POV

I awoke to the sun shining through the window and the faint chirping of birds outside. I open my eyes only to see that the curtains of said window were not mine.

It took a few seconds for me to register that they were the all to familiar curtains of Kacchan's dorm. I recognised them from when we were kids and from helping him unpack his stuff yesterday.

He must of brought them from home cause they we were same orange embroidered, charcoal black curtains I woke up to at our sleepovers.

Did my pillow just mOvE!?!?

I take a deep breath and try to calm myself as I'm suddenly becoming VERY aware of said "pillow".

It's warm...comfortable......a-AND MOVING

It's moving steadily up and down ever so slightly
It was actually really calming for some reason.

I was about to fall asleep again from the ever so soothing rhythm coming from within said pillow. When I felt something, or someone gently caress my head, playing with my hair as if lulling me back to sleep.

It was then that I realised, after struggling to refrain from the temptation of the lulling, that I was it Kacchan's ROOM.


and I didn't see Kacchan, so did that mean!?

I reopened my eyes and lifted my head off said "pillow", only to be faced with a very dreamy looking Katsuki next to me. Nearly under me.

Welp. At least I solved my pillow mystery.

He turned his head upwards and blinked open his eyes, his gorgeous ruby eyes starring up at me before he smiled. I felt giddy.

He twisted my hair in his hand, that I'm now realising us still on my head. He then moved his hand gently down my face, caressing my cheek.

I flushed INSTANTLY. I was blushing so hard I thought I could be mistaken as a strawberry.

His smile grew wider at my predicament, which didn't help cause he's just so handsome.

"Morning." he spoke in a honey sweet voice


"Are you feeling better?" His expression changing to one of concern.

"Uh huh! I'm doing AMAZING now that I'm with you!" I spoke without thinking.

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