Part one: Well all I really wanted was a break

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A/N: Hi, I'm new around these parts, I've been a part of Wattpad for a long time and decided to see if I held a spot in such a wonderful place, for now, whoever is reading this, thank you. You don't have to call me anything in particular, but if you wish, you may call me Iris.


Day one, year one, one and three quarters...

Behind a little boy with emerald eyes, a boy with fiery red hair and a girl forever carrying a book, was the girl with little to nothing to mention.

Sure, you could say she had brown oddly chopped hair with slanted bangs, or her skill to blend into the background, though she would just feel insulted if you were to say that, even though she's heard it all before. The only notable thing about her would be the colour of her eyes, they were a greyish blue, with a gold ring around her pupil, like a storm brewing. When people met her they tended to ask who she got her eyes from since they're nothing close to her parents, whose were green and brown, she'd just walk away muttering "I'm probably adopted...".

Now, a girl with such blunt thoughts had a name of course, Marien Clark, half-blood, a muggleborn mother and wizard father, both giving her nothing but their last name. She wasn't mistreated at all, no, rather, she was not treated at all, wasn't hurt or yelled at, nor noticed by her own parents who she could never tell actually cared about her anymore. She paid no mind to her home life, it just being as simple as the girl who wandered it's halls.

She kept her mind free from anything that would bring drama as she boarded the Hogwarts express, her family, Kate and Richard Clark had dropped her off at the station soundlessly giving her a ticket saying,

"Just go through the wall between platform nine and ten, goodbye and good luck."

she pushed the memory in a little shoebox in her mind as always, in a closet filled with shoeboxes. The young Clark finally found a lone compartment, She opened her book 'Fantastic Beasts and where to find them', which was gradually being filled with sticky notes, highlighter marks and scribbles about each creature, this very book, the book she's had since infancy was her world. Not too long during the ride as the sky began to dim, a boy rushes in sitting down, he was burly and well built, quidditch merchandise visible on his trunk, scarf, book and jersey says 'Gryffindor Captain and Keeper, O. Wood' it was clear that he had a very strong liking for the sport.

After catching his breath he finally takes notice that the compartment he was in was not uninhabited. He showed a tired smile and stuck a hand out.

"Aye, sorry 'bout my entrance, there were no more compartments left and ah thought this one was empty, the names Oliver Wood"

Marien looked at the hand for a good three seconds before reaching out for the Scottish boys hand and shaking it, she may as well be polite, especially with him being the first person to notice her...well, half notice her at least.

"...It's alright, people tend not to notice me to names Marien Clark, It's nice to meet you Oliver..." 

she said above a whisper as she placed her hands in her lap, spending time with creatures obviously did not prepare her for human interaction. Thankfully, he just smiled again, taking note of her shy demeanour.

"well lassie, it's a good thing  ah'm here then, consider me a first friend, for your first year."

"yeah well, I don't know how to break it to you but I think you'll be my only friend...not that I'm complaining of course!"

She said frantically catching her brief mistake, he just waved her off, showing it was ok. she sighed in relief, in the movies she's seen big fights could happen over the littlest misunderstandings and she did not want to be a part in that.

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