13 - Hurting Me

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A/N : Hey lovelies! If you know me and my writing, you know I love a good multiverse crossover. So in about 3 or 4 chapters, I will be starting my descent into a Glee/Harry Potter/ Shameless fanfic. If you don't like that idea, here's the door🚪. If you do like the idea, enjoy and I love you!

I'm stuck. Paralyzed. Confused. The love of my life's mother just told me he's hurt and I'm literally not there with him.

With two newborn babies. In a foreign, muggle city. This has to be a dream.

"W-What happened?" I finally manage to ask.

"Harry said that they were tracking Death Eaters off the coast of Mexico and they were ambushed. It was more Death Eaters than Aurors and Ron was hit with a blasting spell. It-. It knocked him into a tree and they had to retreat to take him to the hospital. He's at St.Mungo's now. He's fine, just a broken rib, cuts and bruises. Just thought someone should tell you. Now, can I hold my grandbabies?" Mrs.Weasleys questions, essentially changing the entire subject.

"Yeah, of course. Could you actually take them home? I need to go see Ron and you could bring them later, if you're up for it." I state.

"Of course. You leave it up to me. You can pack, deary." Mrs.Weasley offers.

"Thank you so much." I tell her.

"Don't mention it." Mrs.Weasley replies, giving me a big smile.


I'm walking through the white, quiet halls of St.Mungo's. Different thoughts running through my mind.

I just left 3 people that I care about in a strange city. No note. No text. Nothing.

They'll forgive me. Right?

It's not like I didn't give them their plane tickets when we first got to Seattle.

It's rare that people die from a broken rib.

When I walk into his room, he'll be asleep. I think. Even better, he'll be waiting for me.

I miss my babies. What kind of mother leaves her 1 day old babies?

They're with their grandmother. It's fine.

Okay, Elena. Two more doors.


Merlin, how the fuck did I forget to breathe. It's the simplest thing to do. Even babies know how to do it.

I get to the door and cautiously, I begin to open it. Like I expected, Ron is asleep in the hospital bed.

I forgot how peaceful he looks when he sleeps. I quietly sit down in the chair by the window and study him.

He isn't hooked up to a bunch of machines like they show on those medical dramas.

He's practically just laying here, minus the IV bag and monitors surrounding his bed. He begins to stir a bit and then he groans.

"You're too far." he whispers hoarsely.

"Come again?" I ask.

"You're too far. Come here. Please." Ron urges.

I get up from the chair and walk over to the bed. I carefully climb next to him and he wraps his arms around me.

"I missed you, you know." he states.

"I missed you, too. I don't think I can do this for 3 more years." I whisper.

"Then don't. Stay home." Ron offers.

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