Chapter 12

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"Thank you for seeing me again," Elizabeth waved at Hailey lightly and led her towards the backyard porch, a spot which she had begun to savour over the past few days at the inn.

Vivian and Davis were out on their date night, the girls with Nolan on a not-so-secret fishing trip, hence Elizabeth decided it was the perfect time to call out Hailey for more questions on Harrison and Hope. She did not have it in her to give this letter not knowing what they were to each other. It was like when she read her novels, she never felt a part of the story until she could connect with the characters on a molecular level- which Maya had constantly told her was not how the real world worked, but Elizabeth could never let go of the habit, when it was a yearning she had to fulfil.

"Vivian actually left you here all by yourself?" Hailey asked amazed.

"Yes, it's only one night, I can handle myself," Elizabeth said laughing.

"Oh, I trust you can, it's that Viv never leaves the BnB. She was physically chained to it."

"I wasn't aware," Elizabeth said, "you mean she's never left the BnB, ever?"

"Well yes, apart from the grocery runs, she had not stepped out into a bar or a night out with Davis in a while. This has to be the first time in a long time that Viv's tried date night," Hailey chuckled.

"A little encouragement was all she needed," said Elizabeth shrugged and held out a bottle of miniature iced tea which Vivian had left for her by the back-porch loungers.

That could not be it, thought Hailey. The new girl got Vivian to go out on a date night after months of tying herself to the BnB. No one could even change Vivian's heart about the innocent book club at the Cornwalls' bookstore, but Elizabeth did. The undeniable doubt Hailey had about the letter in the hands of a stranger, slowly dispersed at the discovery of Elizabeth Hartley's ability to separate the girls and the BnB from Vivian. Elizabeth had casually performed the one thing Hailey, being Vivian's closest friend had always tried but failed to do and for her that accomplishment was accounted for something.

"What is it you want to know about Harrison and Hope?" Hailey asked feeling confident about her decision.

Elizabeth sipped her tea and looked at Hailey with deep inspection.

"Before we wade into that, tell me why you're so intent on giving Harrison this letter?"

Hailey smiled at Elizabeth quizzically.

"Well it's obvious that I want to help him recov—

"-recover yes, I do remember. But, that's not just it, is it?"

Hailey looked at Elizabeth's inquisitive eyes in confusion.

"What do you mean?" Hailey asked. Elizabeth leaned forward in her lounger,

"The whole town knows Harrison's dilemma, though not it's cause, nor the letter. You are not just doing this for Harrison, but the whole town. Why?"

Hailey opened her mouth and hesitated. Elizabeth could tell she was too confused about her own motives. She pursed her lips and nodded, vexed, seeing it was pointless hiding anymore

"Harrison, wasn't just a Chelseaville townsfolk," Hailey smiled wistfully shaking her head, "he was a paragon, but as all heroes went he never saw it. After Jasper was born he worked by Mayor Ortiz apart from the ranch and once he drove up with the sheriffs at the news of a little girl stuck between two ridges near the river. Nobody asked his for help, but he volunteered as if he was required to perform the rescue mission and he saved the girl. During his younger years he once surveyed the entire town when the cattle disease broke out, to provide protection to all farmers and ranchers, including his rival, the Mayfields. He never flaunted his ability or willingness to help. In short if the opportunity arose, the town knew he would be there, and he always did. Then arrived Hope from Portland after her father's business hit rock bottom, her hometown which she was kept away from her for years. She arrived and made things better like a diamond in the rough. The man who once carried the town on his shoulders in many ways, suddenly carried a light for the town too, a very visible one," Hailey paused and shifted her gaze from the river ahead her, "and for himself."

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