Chapter 37

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No One's P.O.V
The two girls stood facing each other.

"So Raven what bothers you about Lucky?"Robin asked with his arms behind his back.

"She's full of herself"Robin nods and turns to Jinx.

"Lucky what bothers you about Raven?"

"She thinks she's better then everyone, she's so self-absorbed that she only lets some people call her by her edgy nickname"Robin nods again.

"Oh? You wanna talk about edgy nicknames, Jinx?"

"Shut up! All you do is make fun of people!"

"At least I don't run around following people like a creep"

"So what?! At least my people weren't banished to Hell for eternity!"

"You're people?! What people?! None of the categories acknowledge you or want to be associated with you! I don't know who's been feeding these lies!"Jinx grits her teeth.

"You don't get to talk! No one knows you're true identity because you're too scared to tell anyone! Oh wait why are you scared again? Oh yeah, NO ONE LIKES DEMONS!! If you think that these guys are you're friends because they want to then you're dead wrong, they're scared to leave because they know if they do they won't be spared when you go on a killing spree!"

"Speak to me when you actually get someone to be interested when you talk! Everything that comes out your mouth is shit!"A whole row of seats exploded.

"Go back to where you came from! You worthless demon!"

"How mature!"

"Shut up! You aren't wanted by anyone!"

"Really?! Am not?! And you are?! When you came everyone stopped having fun! Let's face it! You have no friends so you force yourself around us!"The bell rang.

Raven teleported away as Jinx walked off.

The 3 students stayed still trying to process when they just witnessed.


When lunch came Raven, Cyborg and Beastboy hung out together in the Nurse's Office because Beastboy 'broke' his ankle at P.E.

It was now the end of the day and Beastboy was going over to Raven's to surprise her. Starfire went over to Jinx's to talk things out.

As Beastboy got close to her dorm he could hear slight meows and the sounds of a horror movie playing. He was about to knock on the door but found it to be open.

Garfield walks in and sees Raven asleep on the couch with her cats trying to wake her up. He picks up the remote and switches off the TV as the cats calm down.

Beastboy kneels down to Rachel and smiled softly, she looked so peaceful while sleeping, he kissed her head gently making sure not to wake her up.

Man was it hard for him to contain himself, he wanted to hug the living life out of her.

The Metahuman went to go feed the hungry looking cats who were rubbing themselves on his legs.

When he got back he saw Raven stirring in her sleep, she fluttered her eyes open and sat up yawning. Beastboy smiled sweetly making cute comments inside his head.

""Raven mumbled, she looked around until she spotted him standing at her kitchen door. "What are you doing here?"She said sleepily, he walked over to her and sat next to her while pulling her into a hug.

"Good morning sleepyhead"Garfield kissed her cheek.

"What's going on?"

"I came to check up on you, you were sleeping so I didn't want to wake you up"Beastboy grinned at her.

"They're scared to leave because they know if they do they won't be spared when you go on a killing spree"

The voice lingered in her head.

Rachel knew Jinx was lying because every time she was around them she never felt any of their fear. Even though she knew it wasn't true she still wanted to make sure.

"Gar"Beastboy hummed in response. "Are you only dating me because you're scared of me?"She looked into his eyes.

"Rae, you're the love of my life, demon or not you'll still be my angry little cinnamon roll"Raven tsked as he chuckled. "All jokes aside, there's no way I could be scared of you"He pecked her lips. "Don't listen to what Lucky said, I don't care if you're a demon"

He started to peck her whole face letting a small giggle come out of the dark sorceress.

"I love you"Garfield smiled at her and connected their foreheads.

"I love you too"Raven smiled back as Garfield's smile dropped but was replaced with a blush and widened eyes, he engulfed her in a bear hug making her smile widen.

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