Chapter 1

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Beastboy P.O.V
"WAKE UP"Out of panic I fall out of my bed, I open my sleepy eyes and rub the swore part on my head. I look up and saw my dorm mate Cyborg a.k.a Victor Stone, he laughed and gave me a hand.

I rub my eye with my other hand and realise what had just happened.

"What the hell chrome dome! I was sleeping!"I shout at him.

"You're late for class grass stain"My eyes widen as I scramble to find my uniform and run into the bathroom.

Everyone has a different uniform, mine is white and Cy's is blue, in our school everyone is put in a catalogue of their powers. Cy is a Cyborg so he's blue and I have white because l'm a metahuman/shapeshifter.

I quickly shower, brush my teeth and put my clothes on and run out of my bathroom, as I was about to dash out of my dorm Cyborg stopped me by clearing his voice.

"Forgot about something?"I turn around and saw Cyborg holding my schedule.

"Thanks dude"I say and we both race to first period, we both had Foreign Languages.

We finally reached the building and just as Mr.Panini was about to close the doors we sprinted ahead of him and into the building.

Our Language teacher was not a very good person, let's just say she's very strict.

I barge in with Cyborg as everyone turned to us.


"YOU TWO AGAIN?! THIS IS THE 3RD TIME THIS WEEK!!"Mrs.Outlet yelled, I look at the ground while Cyborg nervously chuckles.

"Go sit down!"I sat next to the purple haired witch Rachel or as she likes her friends to call her, Raven.

Cyborg sat next to Bumblebee, she's a very a good friend of mine but I think Cy has a thing for her if you know what I mean.

He doesn't have the balls to ask her out though.

"Before I was rudely interrupted, today we will be working in groups of 5 and no you don't get to choose"She said with a smile as everyone groans.

Mrs.Outlet started to list the groups, it's going to take a while since we have 115 people in our class.

I turn to the witch and she was reading a book, she looked so adorable while reading, I lean closer to see but she slams it shut and looks at me.

"What do you want"Raven said with a blank expression...scary~....but still adorable, she's too much for me!

"I was just trying to see what you were reading"Raven rolls her cute. She puts the book on the table as I read the title 'Witchology' "What's it about?"

"Stuff you wouldn't understand"

"Victor Stone, Kori Anders, Dick Grayson, Garfield Logan, Rachel Roth"I look over to the teacher and then to Cyborg, I grin as he grins back.

I look over to the witch who was back to reading.

"Today you are going to plan out your project"Someone raised their hand.

"What's the project on?"

"The Demon Language"My eyes widen.

The demon language?! Why the hell are we learning the language of someone that we are told to never be in the same room with? Another person raised their hand.

"Why are we doing a project on something related to demons, you and the other teachers always tell us to keep away from those creatures"

"I realised that since it's the 21st Century things might have changed for the demonic so I figured I could teach you their language in case you do ever stumble across one by accident"

When I think about it, no one has ever seen a demon since the Great War, before the students could argue something popped up on the screen.

Big red words that spelled out 'ASSEMBLY' appeared.

Mrs.Outlet quickly put on her red robe.

"Shit! I forgot! Alright class take your things, fix your uniform and let's go!"Mrs.Outlet yelled.

I stand up and take my bag from under the table, I tuck my shirt in and button up my blazer.

I look over to Raven, she stands up and flattens out her dress and slips on her black robe that was purple on the inside.

Raven's uniform is different from everyone else's.

The witches wear mini dresses, a short robe and a normal witch hat.

Raven is one of the most powerful witches in this school so she has to look different.

Her dress reaches the floor and is a replica of Morticia Addam's dress, it's skin tight so you can imagine how many times people have stared at her figure when she's not wearing her robe.

Raven looked up at me, I take her hat that sat on the edge of her chair, I placed it on her head and made sure it stood straight.

Her hat was bigger then the other witches' and had a gold half moon charm on the right side of it.

Raven's hair was a bit ruffled by the hat being put on so I started to fix it, this wasn't weird for us, it's kind of normal.


I sat next to Raven, she didn't look at anyone only at the board.

The bell rang and we stood up, Mrs.Outlet instructed us to fix our uniforms and get out of her class.

I look over to her as she puts her hat on but can't seem to get it to stand straight, without thinking I started to help her.

I even fixed her hair, a little blush coats her cheeks as she looks up at me, I step back and blush as well.

"Sorry! I wasn't thinking!"

"It's alright.."Raven said and started to walk infront of me. "If you ever see me struggling with my hat..I'd appreciate the help"She turned to me and smiled then walked away.

My face blew up as I started to get a nose bleed.

That's when I decided that I would protect her no matter what! Such a creature needs to be protected from all dangers of this world!

"Dude! Your nose!"Cyborg gave me a tissue.

Flashback ends

And I've done it ever since, she nods in thanks and walks in front of me.

I follow, we walk down the stairs and towards the door.

"Oh and Miss Rachel"We both stop in our tracks and look at the teacher.

"Am sorry for putting you in a group with a bunch of morons"Mrs.Outlet bowed.

"HEY!"Me, Cyborg, Dick and Kori say in unison.

"I thought it was the best to put you in a group with other creatures then witches"Raven nods, she looks over to us.

"But why? I heard she's not very good with people who aren't her kind"Dick crosses his arms and suspiciously looks at Raven.

"If you're not fine with it, I can put you with witches"Mrs.Outlet asked Raven.

My eyes dart at Dick in anger, he was about to speak but I interrupted him.

"Shut up Grayson!"I yelled, we started to throw insults to each other, until I felt a small hand on my shoulder, I look over to Raven.


"Stop"Raven said as Robin looking away with an annoyed look. I look down at her as she blinks and looks back at the teacher.

"Thank you for your concern but I'll be fine"She takes her hand off and walks away pulling her hat down to cover her eyes.

She's so cool.

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