Chapter 44

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No One's P.O.V
Beastboy was getting scolded by Cyborg for being an idiot.

"Did you hear the door close to think that she left?!"

"Why are you making it such a big deal?"

"A GIRL JUST SAW YOU HALF NAKED!"Beastboy blushed in embarrassment.

"She'll forget eventually!"He yelled.

"How? She's Raven, if you can remember something from 5 years ago then seeing you almost naked will stay with her forever"

Beastboy leaned into the couch, they stayed quiet for a while.

"Also, why were you blushing when you came back?"Beastboy's eyes widened. "This isn't the first time you've been acting weird"

Garfield pulled on the collar of his shirt.

"You're more seen with Lucky then Raven, people have been asking us if you two have been dating"

Beastboy started to sweat thinking his secret was revealed.

"Dude...don't tell me.."Cyborg frowned as Beastboy bit his lip. "You're joking right?"

No response.

"This isn't funny Beastboy"Cyborg said with narrowed eyes as his hands slowly started to form fists.

"Where are you going?"Beastboy finally spoke.

"I don't want to talk to you right now"Victor opened the door to the entrance.

"Don't tell her! She'll think am weird!"

"I would too"And just as he was about to walk out Beastboy sprung from his seat.

"Dude I can't control it! It just happened out of the blue! I didn't even know it would happen this year!"Cyborg turned around full of fury.

"You can't control cheating?! Are you serious?! Dude you sound stupid!"Beastboy suddenly turned dead serious.

"Cheating? Why would I cheat?"It was now Victor's time to be confused.


"Why would I cheat?"

"But you just-"

"Dude am not cheating on Raven! Are you crazy?! I would have already been dead!"

"It's your fault for acting like it!"

"Why is it my fault?!"

"You've been so distant with Raven that I started to get suspicious! In fact why are you so distant?!"

"So for the whole week you didn't catch on?"Cyborg shook his head. " this is embarrassing to say!"Beastboy scratched his nape. "Am in heat"Cyborg looked at him blankly before slapping him behind his head.

"You fucking idiot! You had me worried!"Garfield winced. "You could have said so earlier!"

"I thought you knew!"

"How was I supposed to know?! I didn't know you could be in heat!"Garfield huffed in frustration. "Is this why you've been distant with her?"Beastboy nods.

"So you don't get horny for Lucky?"

"No, why would I?"

"So you only get the hots for Rave?"Beastboy was confused until he finally realised that Cyborg had misunderstood:

"No no no! It's not sexual!"

"You just said you're in heat"

"Yeah but this is different, I don't want to have sex, I want to claim her"

"Claim? Like object claim?"The shapeshifter shakes his head.

"No, it's a process I have to go through so other people know that she already has a partner"

"Ohhh, you could have just said that in the first place"Cyborg sat back down on the couch. "Raven won't be happy about being treated as a object"

"She's not being treated as a object"

"You're basically making her seem like some thing that can only be owned by one person"Beastboy bit his bottom lip.

Cyborg was right and Beastboy hated to admit, he made it seem like she was some treasure that had to be declared to everyone that it was already taken.

"I...what am I supposed to do then?"Cyborg shrugged.

"It's your relationship, you should know how to sort your problems out"Cyborg looked up at Beastboy. "Just don't mess things up more then they already are"

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