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Peter was 4 and Quinn 9 when it happend. The moment there life's chanced. Their parents were away for a business trip and they died when their plane crashed.

Quinn was a mess but took care of her brother who didn't quite understand what was going on and were his parents where or why his sister was crying.

There were send to live with there Aunt and Uncle; May and Ben. They shared the same bed room but they didn't mind. Quinn looked after her brother. When there Aunt and Uncle were at work and when they came home from school. She brought and picked Peter up from school.

Years later when Peter was 12 and Quinn 16 he got bitten by a readioactive spider and was sick for days Quinn took care of him and even missed school to take care of him.

 When he got powers and told his sister she was suportive about it.

 One day Peter got in a argument with Uncle Ben and went for a walk.  Ben and Quinn followed him when Uncle Ben got shot by a robber and died in his niece's and nephew's arms.

A month after this event they designed a suit for Peter to fight crime in. Quinn helpt him and traint him to fight and cared for his wounds when he got hurt. She also showed him how he could do it himself when she wasn't around.

Quinn was at the same time training for a tour of the army. She had age her self up so she was 19 on her form other wise she couldn't get in.

Her first tour was when she was 16 and Peter 12 and that lasted 7 months.

Her second tour was when she was 18 and Peter 14.

Between those tours she helpt Peter with spidermaning and school, while also training for her self and studying for car mechanic.

 When she was away they were in touch through writing letters as much as they could.

At age 17 she got a tattoo on her back of the spider logo of the suit they designed.

At age 17 she got a tattoo on her back of the spider logo of the suit they designed

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In the year after her second tour Peter got recruited by Tony Stark. The Civil War began a week after she left for her third tour. Peter fought alongside of Iron Man, War Machine, Black Widow, Black Panther and the Vision.

And against Captain America, Winter Soldier, Hawkeye, Flacon, Scarlet witch and Ant man.

After the fight was over and the information about Tony's parents came out he was mad, not at Bucky but at Hydra.

He helpt them escape from the Accords. For a whole month Tony and Peter worked on the Accords so it was to everybody's likings and they got close because of it.

When team Cap came back after it was fixed, Peter revealed him self as spider man....
Let's just say it was a mess but afterwards it all worked out. Bruce and Thor came back and it was a happy reunion with a fanboying Peter about Bruce's work.

For a few months everything was perfect untill Aunt May got sick. Peter went less and less to the tower to take care of May.

The team could not figure out why he came less untill they got a call from him saying he was at the hospital and Aunt May had died.

Tony adopted him and became his dad and Pepper his mom. The others were cool Uncle's and a Aunt and another very cool sister. Over the time they came to know everything about him, except for that he had a sister. Apparently nobody informed Tony that he had a older sister in the army.

His Army SisterWhere stories live. Discover now