Chapter 1

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Peter P.O.V

I lay on my bed in my room in Avengers tower lisening music I had kept my self extreemly busy the last few weeks and now I had nothing to do, I hadn't talked much today. My mind kept going to my sister Quinn who was away for the army for almost a year now and with each week that past I got more worried. Usually her tours did not last so long and her last letter was from 3 weeks ago.

I had sent her a letter a few months back about how Aunt May had died to cancer and how I got adopted by THE Tony Stark and in the long letter I sent I talked about my new family; dad (Tony), mom ( Pepper), Uncle Steve, Uncle Bucky, Aunt Tasha, Uncle Clint, Uncle Bruce, Uncle Sam, Uncle Thor, Uncle Rhodey, and Wanda who is like a sister to me. But I made sure that she knew that Wanda could never take her place. In her last letter she told me she mist me very much and wished she was there with me.

I stood up and went to my desk and took the last letter of Quinn out. I went to sit down on the chair by my desk. I read the letter re-read it and read it just one more time.

Hey little bro,

It's been a while and I miss you very much, I wish I was there with you. I hope you are being careful during patrol otherwise I have to come back home to kick your ass. Is everyone okay there? Are your uncles, aunt and your mom and dad all al right and your sister Wanda?I don't know how long this will last, but I hope to see you again soon little spider. Every day I think of you, and as an answer to your last letter; no you don't have to tell the team about me if you don't feel comfortable about it just jet.

I love you with all my heart

your sister Quinn

A knock on my door snapt me out of my toughts, '' hé Pete diner is ready, you coming? '' dad asked '' yeah just a sec'' I stood up and put the letter back in the drawer.

Tony P.O.V

We all sat in the livingroom Pep was away for a business meeting, Clint was being a kid and was playing Mario cart. Nat was watching and laughing when he got beaten by the computer. Bruce was talking to Thor, Steve was drawing Bucky who was reading. Sam and Rhodey were making diner. Wanda walked in to the room.

'' Hé Wands, how is it going?'' Clint asked her. ''hmmmmm.....o I'm any of you know if there is somthing bothering Peter these last few weeks?'' With that one sentence she got every ones attention. ''Yeah.... he seams worried'' Nat said concerned about her маленький паук.(little spider) ''Maybe he has been worried about finals coming up?'' Steve said.

''No that isn't for another month'' I informed them. ''Did anyone spoke to him in the last few weeks?'' Bruce asked. It stayed silent. ''No...... but he has been busy, right?'' Clint asked going quiet at the end. '' This isn't like him.....'' Bucky added quietly. '' Well diner is ready so we can ask him while we eat'' Sam said. ''Yeah oke I'll get him'' I said and stood up.

I knocked on his door and opened it and I saw him sitting at his desk with a letter in his hand. I said; ''Hé Pete diner is ready, you coming?'' '' Yeah, just a sec'' he answered but didn't even look at me...

I waited outside his door when he finally came out and I got a good look at him, he seemd tired and stressed. We walked in silence to the livingroom.

When we got there everyone was already in their seats. ''hey Peter how was your day? '' Rhodey asked him. ''It was fine Uncle Rhodey'' he said with a tiny smile afterwards. He sat down next to Nat and me. We ate in silence for a while, then I remembered something. ''Hé Underoos?'' ''Yeah?'' he still didn't look at me, that got a few confused looks. "from who was that letter?'' Peter froze at those words and his eyes went wide. ''Letter?, what letter?'' Steve asked even more confused then before.

Peter looked every where but at one of us. ''What was it, a love letter?'' Clint joked while wiggling his eyebrows. ''What?!?!? No'' he looked slightly horrefied '' can we chance the subject please?'' he asked pleading.

''Sure, how about why you have been so distant lately?'' Bucky asked with a raised eyebrow. ''I.....I have just been busy lately.." he said quietly avoiding Bucky's eyes.
"Come on kid, we know you are not like this" Sam said.

"What has been on your mind маленький паук"(little spider) Nat said. "Nothing I'm going on patrol" was his answer. "What!! we we're not done yet" I yelled but he was already gone.

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