Chapter 5: Beware the Physical Exam!

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Chapter 5: Beware the Physical Exam!

"Welcome, Ladies and Gentlemen." We greeted in sync. We were outside in the school's garden for a flower-viewing reception. I was wearing a mid-night blue kimono with light blue and dark purple flowers on it with a light purple sash and light purple flats. May hair was in a low and loose bun held together by chopsticks, my bangs were framing my face as always. (Side pic~>) 

I sat with Haruhi, Takashi, and Mitskuni, along with three guests of course. Two of them were female and the other one was male. Mitskuni was siring some tea, but he over did it a little. 

"Mitskuni." Takashi called.

"You over did it a little bit." I finished ignoring the others' faces. His eye started to water and I felt bad. "I'm sorry!" I apologized with my head down a little, not liking it when people cry. 

"N-No it's okay Suki-chan!" He stuttered. I looked up.


"Yea, so don't feel bad okay!" He said giving me a hug. I smiled and hugged him back shyly, knowing the girls were squealing and the guy was screaming 'Kawaii~!' 

I broke the hug before picking up a plate of cake and cookies. "Cookies and cake?" I asked with a closed eye smile. 

"Cake~!" I said with stars in his eyes. I smiled as we ate answering questions and (unfortunately for me) we had a tickle party. -.-

I hate being ticklish. -3-

"You don't have to rush things, she's going to be found out soon enough." Hikaru said snapping Mitskuni, Takashi and I out of our little world.

"Yea the physical exams are the day after tomorrow." We all look at Haruhi.

"That's right. I forgot all about it." Kyo-sempai said.

"TYhen that means there's no doubt." Haruhi said with a pointed finger. "They're going to know I'm a girl." She said striking fear into the boys.


Haruhi and I were running late because she had to study and I was fixing a computer.

"Hey sorry we're so late!" I said coming in, but I quickly ducked so that Tamaki tackled/hugged Haruhi.

"Don't you worry Haruhi. We'll determined to keep you're secret at tomorrows physical exam. No on will find out that you're really a girl during tommorw's physical exams! So please stay our beloved secret queen!" He yelled shaking her a bit. She blinked twice before saying sure.

"Guys," I called getting their attenion. 

"Yea?" They chouras.

"I have to go home early today." I said twirlling a bit of my hair.

"Why!" Tamaki cried. 

"Lilly-chan needs me home today." I said shyly.

"Who's 'Lilly-chan', Suki-chan?" Mitskuni asked. I brightened.

"She's like my big sister!" I told him happily.

"Like?" He murmered quietly, only I heard it. 

"I'll see you guys later, okay?" I said, then with a small wave I left and walked home quickly.

I walked into the house, took off my shoes, hung up my jacket and dropped my bookbag on he ground. With a smooth movement I ducked and shot my foot up. When my foot msade contact with his stomach I smirked. 

"G-Good to see you still have that kick of yours." He grunted trying to get up. I looked to my left to see a hole in the wall.

"Good to see you stiil have that punch of yours." I muttered stepping over Charlie. "Lilly do we have to go?" I wined.

"Yes, we hve to go. We made a deal remember?" 

"Yea, yea." I said waving it off while going to my room. I had to spend two days and my whole summer in training. 

I took off my clothes and put on a tight black long sleeve shirts and puffy black pants with black combat boots. My hair was pulled back tightly with my signature bangs framing my baby face. 

Walking out of my room I catch the bag Lilly threw to me and put it on. 

We walked outside to the Jeep where Charlie was waiting. 

"Let's get this over with." I muttered tensing up.


I'm so so so so so so so so SORRY! T^T

I'll update again the next chapter she'll be kicking major butt! Sorry it took me so long to update such a short chapter. I was working on other books, reading a lot more, and I had writters block sorry!

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