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Much to my surprise, our three days in Greece went by both so peacefully and quickly. Ava and I are not cold towards each other but I can feel her avoiding me at every chance she gets. I tried to catch her alone and talk to her a few times but she managed to dodge me every single time. I can easily say she is one clever girl...

On the other hand, it kind of pisses me off to see myself be a whipped ass bitch. Yeah, excuse the language but that's what I have become, sadly. I am coming to terms with it though. I think it's about time I let my cold heart feel at least something.

Now all of us are on a ship, almost at this place called Bodrum. Emma is as sick as she can get. She's been vomiting the whole way here. Tyler and Blossom, naturally, are taking care of her in the bathroom. All the others, including Ava and I, are sitting somewhere outside at the top of the ship.

The weather is beyond incredible but the sun is scorching hot. It's burning my head through the hat that I'm wearing. I can't wait to finally arrive at our hotel and throw myself right into the sea.

"I think I'm going to get another one of these." Arvid says, mentioning his cocktail. "Anyone want some?"

"I do." Ava and I say at the same time. We instantly glance at each other and release a small laugh. I try to maintain the eye contact but she immediately stares away.

The smile on my face fades then, and I turn back to Arvid. "Yeah man, two cocktails."

He shakes his head, making fun of the situation, then leaves. I stare once again at Ava to find her eyes fixated on the floor. Releasing a sigh, I look at Hannah.

"How long is the hotel from where we get off?" I ask.

"Hmm... I think about 20 minutes. Shouldn't be too far off." She responds, scrunching her nose.

"I can't wait to jump right into the sea." Ava speaks up, her eyes anywhere but on me.

"Mmm I'm kinda-"

"Me too." I cut Hannah off with excitement and largely grin at Ava. I see her chuckle.

"Great, Jason." She answers me with a mocking tone, still trying to contain her laugh.

It makes me smile wider. "Thanks, Ava. Appreciate it."


Arvid unlocks the door and we tiredly enter our hotel room. We both place our luggage next to the door and take a look inside. There are two separate beds and a really nice bathroom. I release a defeated sigh and sit on the bed to the right.

I literally spent a whole twenty minutes trying to make Hannah convince Ava into sharing a room with me but she said Ava was very insistent on staying on her own. So now I have to stay with stupid Arvid and that really gets on my nerves.

Good thing is, Ava's room is right next to ours which is I guess... better? Well, it doesn't change much considering she wants nothing to do with me but it still feels good to be close. Good to know where she is. It's been hell these past few months never knowing where she is and with God knows whom.

"You still pissed?" Arvid nudges my shoulder.

I stay silent for a few seconds then look up at him. "I have no idea how to win her back man. Why did I even let her go in the first place?" I ask with frustration.

He sits next to me. "She still likes you Jay. You can see it in her eyes. She's fucking blushing every time you talk to her."

I widen my eyes. "Really?"

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