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I wake up to an empty spot next to me. It takes a while for my eyes to adjust to the bright sunlight as I let my arm lay where Ava was supposed to be sleeping. She must have left, I assume.

Last night we both fell asleep while watching Netflix, the pizza was really heavy anyway. It was such a chill and relaxed evening. We both were tired and the comfort we found in not knowing each other – not all the way at least – wiped away any awkwardness.

She is such a cool person, I thought to myself the entire time. Ava really is something else. I don't know what is it about her but she is definitely one of the most unique people I've ever met. We developed a decent friendship over the two days we've seen each other. I'm happy about it, she is different, and makes me feel like I'm not really stuck in this loop we call life.

Slowly getting up, I stretch. Hearing my joints crack gives me a sense of satisfaction, it helps the light pain disappear from the several regions of my back.

When I'm finally up on my feet, I turn the tv off as I head to the kitchen. Feeling too lazy to even move, I quickly make myself an omelet. I actually don't enjoy omelets that much, but there is no denying the fact that I won't ever be able to get rid of my slothful habits. 

Once it's all ready I sit on one of the chairs around the island and calmly eat my meal. I think about my plan for today. I don't really have anything scheduled other than my basketball practice which is at 6 pm. Wanting to kill some time until then, I call Arvid.

"How was your night pretty boy?" He answers the phone smugly. I can hear him smirking.

"Shut up."

"Damn! Ava and Mr. Commitment Issues are dating huh?" A few people laugh around him, causing me to scowl.

"Jesus shut the hell up Arv. I can't believe y'all still think I'm up for that stuff."

"Okay okay. Calm down pretty boy." He teases while laughing.

"And stop calling me pretty boy." I place my plate in the sink and make my way to my room.

"Anyways. We're all in Tyler's, come over if you can." He changes the topic.

"Sure. Be there in ten." Considering Tyler lives only a block away from me, I might even be there in five.

"Okay, bye."

"Bye." I throw the phone onto the bed and open my wardrobe in order to find an outfit.

I decide on black shorts, a beige t-shirt and my black Nikes. I skip taking a shower since I already took one last night with Ava. Putting on my deodorant and spraying on my cologne, I step out of the house.

The warm air hits my face and I find myself scurrying away the image of Ava's eyes which don't seem to leave my mind.


"Ew Tyler! Get off me!" Emma shouts in the midst of her laughter, trying to push Tyler off of her. "St-stop licking me!" I laugh at that loudly.

Tyler just continues licking Emma's cheeks like a silly dog. I mean, he is right in doing so after Emma's playful insults on how wet his kisses are, but to be honest it isn't the prettiest sight.

I watch them with a smile on my face as I try to imagine myself in a situation as so. Not licking Emma of course... Just in a relationship. I've only had a girlfriend once in my life, and that was in eighth grade. Bad decision if you ask me, I got my heart broken.

Relationships have been a complicated subject for me, yet it's been the only subject I feel fully sure about. Girls come and go, and that's great for me. I'm used to this, there's no reason to doubt my choices.

"You guys are disgusting." I whine.

Tyler stops teasing and they both sit up.

"Says the guy who's literally been inside every girl in this state." Emma shoots back, a smirk forming on her face.

"Seriously though, Aren't you ever going to settle down Jason?" Brian joins the conversation, taking a sip of his beer.

I shake my head. "Nah, I get bored easily." And it's true. I can't stand being tied down to one person. I need to have fun.

"Have you tried?


"That girl in eighth grade doesn't count." He cuts me off. Where is he trying to get with this?


Brian stands up excitedly. "How about you give it a shot. Ava seems decent."

I give him an 'are you serious?' look. "She's just hot Brian. Dating her would be boring as fuck. Plus, she'll probably fall in love with me and I'll only break her heart so nah. Don't really wanna get into that mess.

Brian sits back down in disappointment. "Wow aren't you cocky."

"I dare you to ask her out." Emma exclaims all of a sudden, making me turn to her. "Call her and ask her to be your girlfriend. Bet you're afraid of rejection." She has a smug, daring look on her face.

I scoff. "Me? Rejection? I don't really think so Em."

She raises an eyebrow. "Prove it."


I sit on my bed, my head between my knees and my arms surrounding them. My life is currently falling apart. I don't remember a single time I asked a girl out, even though I wasn't serious, and she rejected me. 

I got rejected!

I. Got. Rejected. What the actual fuck? I don't get rejected. I'm Jason Imperio. I never get fucking rejected. Ever.

Basically what happened is, I called Ava, asked her to be my girlfriend in the nicest, most romantic way possible. I mean, other girls would kill to say yes, they wouldn't even let me finish my sentence. Jesus fucking Christ. The only thing she said was "Nah, I'll get bored of you."

You'll get bored of me?! No the fuck you won't. I'll get bored of you.

Even the basketball practice couldn't get the feeling of failure out of my body. To hear such a response was hard, and it still has me thinking. Where did I go wrong? Is it that I let her stay over? That was a mistake, I knew it. Perhaps it is because our second time wasn't as good... But the thing is, it was... It was even better.

Am I really boring? No I'm not. She was laughing the entire time we were together. It wasn't boring at all. I had so much fun with her, wasn't she as entertained as I was? That can't be possible.

I mean... It's not like I want to date her. It was obviously for a dare, but it's still saddening you know? I must've become rusty. I'm not as good at this as I was before. Take the night of the party, it took three hours of us flirting for me to finally decide taking her home. Even then my move was declined.

Is it me, or is it her?

"Goddammit how am I supposed to know?" I say to myself before removing my shorts and my t-shirt, hoping a good night's sleep will change something.

Fucking Ava...


Guys I swear to God I was DYING. I went to an island for u know vacation. It was cute but then my aunt started throwing up on the last day of the vacation. A day after we came back I started throwing up and lord knows I was about to jump off my fucking window y'all. I vomited like 6 times, I had a fever, diarrhea, I went to the hospital two times because the first serum wasn't successful and now I'm alive thanks to antibiotics :)))))) gotta love food poisoning. Also now my mom is sick too :)))))))))))))))))))) so that's why I couldn't update sorry

Please vote and comment ugh idk at this point this chapter probably sucks

Anyways, Love you :*

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