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SOOOOOOO...... HHIII 🙋🏾‍♀️

yea I have been gone for a while and yes I know y'all missed me. So I have been gone because the second semester was starting (The second semester started idk a couple days after New Years.) and that mean finals that consisted of 2 test and 1 and 1/2 projects. The chem teacher made me make a google slide about things we learned in alphabetical order. SO I HAD REMEBER *cough* look up* 🤫THINGS I LEARNT IN CHEM FOR 26 SLIDES. AND THEN SHE HASN'T BUT GRADES IN SINCE DECEMBER 22.

💅🏾So my life has been good, how have y'all been. There will be new chapters starting this weekend but till then go watch some cory thats him at the top.

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