Chapter 1

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(the dashes means that he crossed that off, i couldn't find any crossing lines in wattpad, so yea.)

Journal Entry ⬛

It's been 2 weeks since I have started this.. Experiment. I have separated them for now, they're in separate cells. I have started my research. There seems to be signs of some progress, both subjects have shown promising results. Though subject 1 is quite hard to approach, he seems weary of me. Though subject 2 seems to have no problem with my presence, even much so he has tried to hu- Touch me multiple times. Steps to avoid attachment must be taken. Subject 2 makes constant noises, it distracts me from my work. Fortunately, subject 1 has been very quiet ever since I have removed him from the containment. Maybe he's incapable of making such annoying sounds? I don't know, but it helps greatly.

Journal Entry ⬛

I made the mistake of keeping them in earshot of the other. Once they accessed that the other was near, they started making weird noises, seems like subject 1 is capable of it after all.. But then, they started to babble. They string pieces and bits I have said to them. So they are sentient.. It would have been much easier if they weren't. I'll have to see what I'll do about this now that they have found each other. They babble like cute children-..

Journal Entry ⬛

It has been 5 days since I have introduced them to the other, they seem to get along well. They stick close together, not seeming to want the other to disappear or something like that. I'll have to keep a close eye on them.

Journal Entry ⬛

It has been 2 months now that I have started this project. Subject 1 picks up reading and writing quite fast. Seems he has inherited my sm- Subject 2 seems to have problems with keeping up with 1-S. He may be more durable than subject 1, but he is lacking mentally. Though it's the opposite for subject 1. He's lacking physically. I have conducted an experiment to see who would assert dominance if I cut their food in half. They exceed my expectations... They split the food. I don't know where they learned to share but, I guess they just learned from each other. I also made the mistake to refer to subject 1 as subject 2's brother. They haven't seemed to forget about that mistake, they now constantly refer to the other as their brother... This feels just like raising children-

Journal Entry ⬛

I need to move onto the next step. I'm afraid if I don't.... I won't ever be able to... I have to do this for the Underground. Though it's hard to since they remind me so much of children-

Journal Entry ⬛

I made a mistake.. I decided on mercy.... Now I have no idea on how to save the Underground.. I have decided to raise the kids on my own.. Subject 1-.. Actually, I have no idea what to call them now. I'm disappointed in myself, it wasn't supposed to happen this way. I wasn't supposed to grow attached! But... It's too late for that now.

Journal Entry ⬛

I have decided to call subject 1, Comic Sans, or Sans for short. And have decided on Papyrus for subject 2. I have matched their fonts with their names. This is a very new experience for me, I never thought I would have children, I never thought I would grow attached to them. Anyway, it's hard to take care of both children by myself. I need to care for them and still find a way to help the Underground. Though maybe if I resume my project-... It's too late for that, I have already grown too attached to both of them. Sans seems to be less weary of me, so that's good news.

Journal Entry ⬛

Sans has caught me writing in this notebook, I tried to convince him that this was nothing, but he sees right through me. He really did gain my intelligence..

[this was inspired by zarla's handplates comic, i recommend checking it out.]

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