Chapter 8

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Gaster is brought back to the present when the memory ends. He remembers that he still has yet to find an answer for that turmoil of an appearance. Placing the picture on his desk, he walks across the room to a corner, to gather a small dustpan and broom to sweep the mess. He crouches to collect the tiny pieces together, and after he does, he straightens swiftly. This causes his headache to worsen and he lets out another pained groan. He drops the pieces in a trash bin in that same corner of the room before coming back to his desk and waving behind him with a blink of magic to turn off the lights. He sighs, the ache was still present, but at least it was less pronounced. He props the laptop on top of his desk open, the light flashing bright enough to just allow the scientist to see his desk, but not blind him with blinding lights. He spots the picture again and takes it into his hand. He smiles at it and places it in his coat pocket. A kind reminder of his beloved family.

Turning back to his laptop he notices a small notification symbol on the bottom of the screen. Confused as its symbol looked nothing like what he was used to seeing, he clicked on it. Shock flickered across his face, but was soon replaced with sudden remorse.

W.D. Gaster,
       This is Asgore writing to you to ask where you’ve gone. The last time I saw you, you’d given an announcement that you would be pursuing a new project that might be the answer to save the Underground. Since that time, I haven’t heard even the slightest peep from you! Toriel and I can’t help but worry. I’ve asked around the castle as to where you might be, but no one knows. Eventually, I finally stumbled upon someone who I had originally thought was still a member of your team, only to find out that this new project was a solo project you decided to follow! Even they had no idea where you went, and could only tell me how busy you probably were. They also mentioned that this is a reoccurring behavior in you and I’d like to address that fact later. I’ve also attempted to contact you multiple times about your disappearance, but you never respond! I later found out that this was due to the fact that you’ve moved to a new account for your work? It’s very-!…. Gaster, I’m worried for you, Toriel’s worried for you, even the kids are worried for you and we haven’t even told them the entire story! They keep asking where you’ve been and I’m running out of things to say, just… Contact me when you get this.

Hope to hear from you,
Asgore Dreemurr
King of the Underground

Well, that was one way to make Gaster sorry.

He sighed and leaned back in his chair. He had been rather preoccupied with his work. It was a long and difficult experiment that he’s relieved had been put to an end but… He knows that wasn’t the real reason why he hadn’t contacted his boss. Besides the reason that he hadn’t known about his boss’ attempts to track down his whereabouts, --he couldn’t help but feel a flutter in his abdomen at that fact which he quickly trampled on-- he felt…. guilty. He’d spoken with so much confidence that this was it. He left in such a hurry to pursue this linkage, this possibility that to inform them that he’d backed out would be… Well, it’d be downright disrespectful to the King. Not only that, he can only imagine how his face would look. When he first told the King and Queen of this possibility, the Queen smiled gracefully in gratitude but that compared nothing to His Highness’ face when he heard the news. His face had been split in a huge grin that shone from ear to ear and melted Gaster’s insides.

He ignored that last thought.

And the King showed such thanks, such joy in the way that he hugged Gaster and spun him around, it made Gaster dizzy in giddiness. He’d left so happy that Gaster knew, he would be devastated to hear the news.

Gaster brought his hand up to clench the fabric of his clothing, right where his soul was. He hoped that the pressure he’d applied there would be soothing enough for the piercing pain in his chest as he bent down, staring straight at his lap. He curled in on himself, his breaths becoming ragged and his mouth uttering faint noises of pain. His skull bounced about thoughts of a distressed look on his King’s face, and it caused his skull to sting. He’s left with one thought repeating in his head over and over again.

I’m sorry……

I’m sorry……

I’m sorry……

Why do you care for me? (KINGDINGS)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя