Fan Service

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Well we all saw this one coming didn't we.

Although the anime itself has a very good message about friendship and teamwork and whatnot, it is kind of ridiculous how much fan service is in it. I thought it was for kids?

Now obviously within the anime community it is fair to say a little fan service for the older audiences isn't always bad, but sheesh!

Almost every single fight Lucy is in ends up with her barely wearing a top or wearing no top at all. Why?????

Couldn't they just tear her clothes a bit and add a few scratches? It really wasn't necessary, they can find other ways to show that she is hurt.

Also, the 'fight' between Mira and Jenny in the Grand Magic Games. I was honestly so disappointed. I was looking forward to a badass fight since they are rivals, but it just turned into fan service.

And what made it worse is that all the other girls joined in too! What?! For crying out loud even little Asuka was in there IN A BIKINI.

Fan service was way too overwhelming, it felt like every episode there was someone half naked at some point.

Like I said before, a little fan service isn't always bad, but that just crossed a line. I get Mashima is trying to please his fans, but I think he's trying to please them a little too much.

I have also heard people say fan service is the only reason they watch Fairy Tail in the first place. HUH???

Dude if you're just in it for the fan service and not for the story go watch some hen***.

Like seriously, the anime has so much potential, but I feel like they are ruining it by adding this huge amount of fan service.

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