Medusa x Female Reader

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For as long as people can remember, those who look into the eyes of Medusa turn to stone.

But did she really deserve such a curse? Or was it a blessing from the gods to keep her protected? No one knows for sure, it's quite a sad tale nonetheless for a woman who donned a goddess' beauty yet no one can admire it without turning into stone.

Some may have even tried killing her for thinking she was a monster but have suffered great death by losing their last breath, as they slowly turn into stone.

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For thousands of years legends have been spreading around Kingdom by Kingdom about a lonely young snake haired woman accompanied only by snakes living deep in the woods.

Opinions on who or what this woman was were split among the humans. Some thought she was a beautiful snake goddess and should be left alone while others thought this was a terrifying snake monster and only those worthy and strong are able to slay her and bring honor and wealth home.

However many have feared to venture the deep unknown to prove the existence of such creature.

All except a young female squire.

"Y/N! Get down from there!" a knight called upon the young squire about the age of 19.

"I was just resting! Geez Seig, can't a girl take a break every once in a while with your excruciatingly painful training sessions?" Y/n said as she slowly got down from the tree she was perched upon.

"You're almost 20 Y/n, sooner or later you'll be a knight as well and I would've liked it if one of my mentee, or should I say troublesome of a pupil be atleast modest and stay out of trouble in her last years of being a squire." The knight said as he ruffled the young womans h/c - h/l.

"And that's Sir Seigfried to you, you knucklehead. Honestly if this is what having a grown daughter is like, I'm scared at the thought that my daughter will one day grow up." He added, which made Y/n laugh as they made their way back to the training area.

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When night fell all Y/n could ever do in her small room within the castle grounds was look out her window.

"Sometimes I wonder if there's something more out there. I've been longing for something yet whenever night falls and I think about it, I still can't put my finger on it." The young woman thought to herself.

As if a whisper of destiny Y/n found herself sneaking out again in the night.

She walked along the castle walls and scaled up a tree to cross, going to the woods in the other side. Y/n felt a cool breeze flow around her but it wasn't so cold she wanted to turn back.

She wanted adventure and nothing bad's ever gonna happen anyway. She'll be sure to return in the morning for a quick nap before her rounds start. "Easy-peasy, if I'm lucky I'll get stationed at the back walls where nothing ever happens and take a nap there. Doooon't worry Y/n, you'll be fine." Y/n talked to herself as she tried to reassure herself of the morning that will soon come.

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"F*ck this was was a bad idea." Y/n told herself as she ran a hand through her hair.

"Damnit, where am I? F*ck-frick-fricklesnapple-banapple- ughhhh, stupid, stupid." Y/n grumbled walking around as she insulted herself and her surroundings.

She found herself stumbling upon a small clearing. She definitely was super far from her own kingdom because this was definitely not part of the map she'd seen around.

Y/N OneShots (Female Reader) (Yuri/GxG)Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα