Hermione Granger x Reader

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Y/N L/N is just your typical teenager, well, typical teenager in 1995, she loved movies and was particularly fond of movies with magic or the adventure of a lifetime stories and even sappy love stories, such as Back to The Future Trilogy, Only You and other movies that came out in the 80's.

So it was no surprise that she's bummed about the fact that electronics didn't work in Hogwarts when she entered about 3 to 4 years ago.

Now it's nothing new that a muggle born wizard will enter Hogwarts, heck one of her current bestfriends was a muggle born too.

The problem that arose was that, Y/N was a muggle born sorted into Slytherin, though it's not impossible, muggle born Slytherins are a rare commodity. However, rare, but not in the best case, because of this Y/N was a tad bit outcasted by pureblooded Slytherins, not to mention with Draco Malfoy constantly butting heads and constantly fighting with her doesn't help at all.

Though, she may be an outcast, she was never to be messed around with by other Slytherins, she wasn't put there by mistake afterall. She was cunning, ambitious and clever in her own way and no one, with the exclusion of Malfoy, dared mess with someone as crafty as a muggle born Slytherin.

Being outcasted by her own house pushed her to find family in a different one, she was warmly welcomed by Gryffindors, and was bestfriends with the chosen one, Harry Potter, a pureblood named Ron Weasley and, according to Y/N herself, the smartest wizard alive, Hermione Granger.

They are inseparable and all four of them have been good friends for about four years now. With Hermione and Y/N and even Harry helping out Ron get to know more about the muggle world.

Along with that, Y/N had spent a lot of time with Hermione in the muggle world on summers making them grow much more closer and their bonds are no match to even that of Harry or Ron.

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It was the middle of the year and everyone was busy with the Triwizard tournament and the likes. However one of Y/N's concerns was what to wear the Yule Ball. Another one, of course, was her struggling with being inlove with her bestfriend Hermione Granger for the longest time.

♡ Y/N's P.O.V ♡

I mean, how could I not? She's smart, she's fearless and she's always there for us when we need her. Maybe it's dependency? Ah no, I'm definitely in love with her. It's been 4 years Y/N! Ah well, it goes away for some more time right? I'll just.. shove it way wayyy down where it can slowly disperse into nothingness.

"Yep that's exactly what I'll do." Not realizing a suddenly muttered to myself, Hermione suddenly caught my attention.

"Do what?" She spoke as I locked eyes with her. Oh dear, Merlin who allowed her to be this beautiful.

"Erm, pick what I'll wear for the ball?" I chuckled awkwardly, to which she perked up. She stood up from where she sat infront of me and leaning over to me, our faces merely a few feet away which caught me off guard.

"I- wh- what is it? Is there somethingon my face?" I mentally slapped my head for stuttering like an unwell goblin.

"Did someone ask you out? You never go crazy for matters like this, so this is new Y/N!" She said her face riddled with intense curiosity.

Albeit I was planning on dressing up to impress her, it never crossed my mind that, yes hello, I did not, infact, have a date to the ball.

"Erm, alright calm down for a moment. No one had asked me. I mean can't I just go to the ball alone and enjoy the party?" I asked putting my hands on her shoulders as I pushed her back down to her seat.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 07, 2021 ⏰

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Y/N OneShots (Female Reader) (Yuri/GxG)Where stories live. Discover now